Being Present for the Thanksgiving Holiday


The Thanksgiving Holiday is fast approaching this week in the U.S.  It is the time of year that people are thinking about what they are grateful for and spending time with their families.    It is one of the holidays that so many people travel to be together looking forward to having all of those traditional foods and desserts to celebrate the day.

In a lot of cases, you will be seeing family members and friends that you don’t see very often.   Even though you may have grown up together you have most likely now grown in different directions with different interests.  Take this opportunity to practice some of the same skills that you would use in your job.   Hmm…patience you say?  Yes, in some situations that may be necessary too. However, I was thinking about listening and being present.

We are all so busy doing a million things every day.  This is an opportunity to take the time to connect with people in person so put down your phone and have some conversations.  Take this opportunity to be curious and ask questions.  Refrain from just starting your immediate reply when the person you are talking to is saying something.  You may just learn something new about them that you didn’t know before.   Reminisce about growing up together and remember how much fun you used to have as kids.  Just be in the moment and enjoy yourself.  Have some turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and drink some wine.  Just take a moment to toast to the holiday and being together.

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