
What Do You Do When You Feel Resistance?

Are you someone who sees change as a good thing? I think it depends on the experiences that you have had with change. If the change experiences that you had were good and brought you new opportunities, you would probably view them in a positive way. However, if the situations that you went through with change did not go well, then you might feel a lot of resistance and wish it wasn’t happening. What do you do when that resistance…
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Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities?

Are you letting opportunities pass you by? In every organization, there are processes that are inefficient, people who need training, frustrations about workload, and problems that need to be solved. These are just a few examples and there are many more that exist in a company.   How come no one is trying to solve them? The list of reasons usually sounds like this: lack of time, may not have the skills or expertise, don’t view it as part of their…
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Is Your Fear of Making a Change Holding You Back?

One of the biggest changes that I have made since I left my corporate career is being comfortable taking imperfect action. It is so empowering to try things and experiment vs. having to get it all right. Now I implement imperfect actions each day without the worry of what anyone else thinks. It is incredibly freeing to do things without any fear.  Looking back in my past, the word imperfect wasn’t a part of my vocabulary. I wore the crown…
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How Well Do You Deal With Change?

New leaders come into an organization and want to make an impact, which means change. Organizational changes, project changes, acquisitions, divestitures and business changes to stay competitive are a few of the types of changes that a leader in a corporate environment will encounter each day.  All of these changes can be a challenge to navigate. They can create more work and be overwhelming until decisions are made on priorities. This is the time when a leader has a choice…
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Are You Ready to Change Your Belief In Yourself?

People hold themselves back because they fear the unknown. They are afraid to fail and worry that they make look bad in front of others. So they do nothing. Unfortunately, that keeps them right where they are and stuck with no idea how to move ahead and succeed.  When a client is in fear, I will ask them what types of things they are saying to themselves. Some common responses are: Will I be able to do this new role?…
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Change Will Always Happen, But Are You Ready For It?

My whole team walked into the auditorium along with the rest of the company to hear an announcement from our CEO, We assumed that it must be something big because this wasn’t the normal way she would share information with us. She announced that we were going to split our company into two companies. In that moment, my head started spinning. What would that mean for everyone? Which company would I end up going to and where would my team go?…
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Here Are The Top Things That You Gain By Changing Jobs

Things have evolved over time and people are no longer staying at one company for many years.  People will now have at least 7-9 different job changes over their career and receive different types of incentives to make it worth their while. Moving to another company can help you get to a salary increase and potentially a higher level title. There are other things that you get when you shift companies that aren’t so easy to measure.  You will expand your network as…
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Did You Know That You Have a Choice?

Change is happening for everyone at such a rapid pace now. You may be focused on one thing and then get pulled into some other urgent request. It may feel like you are firefighting every day putting out the biggest fires first before you even can get to the smaller ones.  That takes a lot of energy away from your priorities and forces you to be reactive all the time. Although many people will struggle with change, the people who like to have…
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What Do Leaders Need To Do in the Midst of Change?

One of the biggest stresses that anyone in an organization can go through is when there are going to be layoffs or reductions. You walk into work one day and your world is turned upside down. Your first thought is, “Will I have a job when this is all over?” Unfortunately, when you are the leader, you have no time to dwell on that because your focus has to be on your team. You can almost watch the stages happen….
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/23/18

Client Question: “There are some big organizational changes happening at my work soon.  I am not good at handling change.  I dread it and don’t even want to go through it.  How can I get past this?” Managing the change process for yourself or your team is never easy.  Everyone processes the change at a different pace. For the people who have never been through this type of change, it creates fear and anxiety for them.  Others who have been through it…
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