
Six Strategies to Leverage for a Successful Visibility Partnership

There are so many ways to create visibility for yourself, but what if you have a colleague who also wants more visibility? Then you might want to choose the visibility partnership approach! This partnership is created when you and your colleague find opportunities to share wins, results, and accomplishments about each other with key stakeholders, decision makers, influencers, and with your online network. Both of the people in the partnership advocate for the other to gain visibility. Of course, it…
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The Benefits and Impacts of Having Senior Leader Conversations

In the article, How to Have Meaningful Discussions with Leaders Above You, I shared what to do to prepare to have a great conversation with a senior leader and the importance of doing it well. Today is about what the benefits can be for you when you have these types of conversations.  Gain insights: Senior leaders have extensive experience and knowledge in their industry and organization, so talking to them can give you valuable insights about the industry, the company, and…
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How to Leverage Curiosity for Stronger Networking Conversations

One of my clients, Tom, works on a team and is interested in moving up to a manager role. He said that he wanted to increase his visibility to show his management that he is ready for a promotion. I asked him, “What are you doing now to increase your visibility?” He responded, “I meet with my manager and my peers on a regular basis. I have made some presentations to my leadership team and received positive feedback for them.” I asked, “Have…
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Are You Ready to Try a New Approach to Expand Your Network?

Jennifer is thinking about changing companies in the next year. She wanted to expand her external network, but wasn’t sure where to begin. We started with the basics first. I asked her, “Who are the people that you want to meet with? Certain levels, industries, companies, titles?” Sometimes it helps to narrow down and focus when it feels too overwhelming for people. She answered, “I am a Director now and I would like to meet with more VPs so I can…
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Would You Like to Have a High Quality Network?

Does the word networking imply meeting a bunch of people in a big room for you?  The goal seems to be to maximize the number of people that you meet at one time. Think back to the last event you attended, did you add everyone that you met to your list? How many of those people did you have an additional conversation with after the event?  How many of those connections that you made are still people that you talk to years…
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Are You Willing to Give Before You Get?

When it comes to networking events, there are those who love them and others who dread them. The inability to do these in person right now has forced some opportunities to leverage technology for networking in a different way. I was in an experience that moved people into breakout rooms to meet and discuss topics. It worked pretty well and I met some new people. As a person who can be overwhelmed by a big ballroom of people all at…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/9/18

Client Question: “I know networking is important, but I just don’t have the time.  How can I manage all that I have on my plate and do that effectively too?” Networking is very important to do, but try not to think of it as this big thing you have to focus a huge amount of time and effort on to do it well. Networking can also be about the small things that you do each day, week or month that helps…
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Are You Prepared to Share Your Story?

​I was at a chamber of commerce event last night with over 70 booths and lots of attendees.   Many people came by our booth and chatted with us about coaching, our new program we are launching and having assessments done.  Having chocolate is never a bad thing, so a big container of Hershey’s miniature chocolates on our table was also a big draw.   I met people who were already helping people in their businesses, some who were looking to learn…
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Do You Know Your Worth?

​I was reading Think Strategically About Your Career Development by Dorie Clark the other day.  All of her tips are really good, but the last one in her article got me thinking about external reputations.  She discusses the importance of developing an external reputation.  I wholeheartedly agree and have shared this same thinking with many people that I have mentored and coached over the years.  It does take some time to develop this, but it is so important.  You can join a professional organization,…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 4/28/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  creating a personal breakthrough, assume positive intent in others, the power of networking, keys to success, ways to restore your confidence, managing organizational change from three perspectives: the impacted employee, the leader of the team and the organization itself   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes   What You Must Do To Create A Personal Breakthrough by Tim Denning  A breakthrough is something that changes the course of your life going…
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