Are You Ready to Try a New Approach to Expand Your Network?

Jennifer is thinking about changing companies in the next year. She wanted to expand her external network, but wasn’t sure where to begin. We started with the basics first. I asked her, “Who are the people that you want to meet with? Certain levels, industries, companies, titles?” Sometimes it helps to narrow down and focus when it feels too overwhelming for people. She answered, “I am a Director now and I would like to meet with more VPs so I can…
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Would You Like to Have a High Quality Network?

Does the word networking imply meeting a bunch of people in a big room for you?  The goal seems to be to maximize the number of people that you meet at one time. Think back to the last event you attended, did you add everyone that you met to your list? How many of those people did you have an additional conversation with after the event?  How many of those connections that you made are still people that you talk to years…
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Are You Willing to Give Before You Get?

When it comes to networking events, there are those who love them and others who dread them. The inability to do these in person right now has forced some opportunities to leverage technology for networking in a different way. I was in an experience that moved people into breakout rooms to meet and discuss topics. It worked pretty well and I met some new people. As a person who can be overwhelmed by a big ballroom of people all at…
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It is Time To Value Yourself, So Others Value You Too

Coaches are some of the most supportive people on the planet, but we also deliver the truth to our clients. Sometimes we are the messengers of the truth that they already know deep down inside, but need to hear it out loud from someone else to begin to accept it.  Tammy brought me a potential role that she was interested in for another company. I was surprised to see it because she had been at her company for a long…
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Is it Time to Advocate for Yourself?

woman surrounded by stacks of work

Tom was in over his head at work. He took on this role a year ago and was so excited about the work he would do. Over time the role grew so much in size and scale that Tom couldn’t manage all the work on his own anymore. Things began to slip through the cracks and he worked more hours to stay afloat. He didn’t complain to his manager because he assumed that his manager saw it was too much for…
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Can You Stand Out as a Leader in a Tough Situation?

I like to believe that most leaders are good and do the best that they can for their teams.  However, what do you do if you have a manager who is not a good leader and doesn’t even try to improve or support you? We could dive into understanding why they are this way, but I would rather have you consider how this type of situation impacts you and figure out what you want to do. Can you continue to…
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Have You Used Stories to Create Visibility?

Elise wasn’t good at talking about the things that she had accomplished. She would change the subject if someone would bring up something she did so she didn’t sound like she was bragging. She grew up with the belief that hard work was important, but you didn’t need to talk about your accomplishments.  She set up a time to meet with me after we talked about her situation at a networking event. I asked her if she felt like she was valuable…
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Trust Your Own Leadership During Transitions

Andrea was excited about her promotion to be a senior manager. She would get to lead a larger team and have a lot more responsibility. She wanted to talk about what she would do differently in this new role in her coaching session. When we talked about how she wanted to show up in this role, I sensed some hesitation in her. I asked her about it, and she said, “I feel like I am going to have to change who I am…
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Are You Creating an Intention Plan to Get What You Want?

Lisa wanted to hire another employee to take on additional workload, but her manager wasn’t in favor of it. He agreed that she needed the help, but he didn’t see the need to add to payroll. He asked her to go back and see if someone else could pick up the work. She was disappointed and she brought the situation into our coaching session to discuss. This is a common situation that happens. What could have been handled differently here? Whenever you…
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Do You Take The Time To Be Intentional Each Day?

One of my clients had a difficult situation happen at work yesterday. The simple version of what happened was that decisions about a new program were made a few months ago. He learned new information and wanted to make some changes to the program. Unfortunately, the launch is about to happen right now, so it is too late in the game to be changing things. He was frustrated and upset that the other people in the organization wouldn’t change things for him. I…
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