
An Easy Way to Ask For Feedback on Your Visibility

“What do you mean I need to be more visible?” That is what many leaders have heard from the managers and they are shocked. Why? They believe that they are doing a lot now and aren’t sure what it means to do even more. I thought the same until a mentor sat me down and told me it wasn’t enough. It definitely surprised me and I wasn’t prepared to hear that feedback. I wondered how I had missed the clues…
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Do Things That Are Different to Stand Out!

red pencil among black pencils

Are you following along with the crowd? Do you do what everyone else does? If you want to stand out, you have to do the opposite of what others are doing instead. What could you do that plays to your strengths and allows your management to see you in a new way?  One of my clients was tired of being in the shadows all the time and wanted to find some ways that she could do more to stand out. She…
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Are You Ready to Help New Leaders Succeed?

man walking across a hand to the next cliff

Think back to the first time you led a team. It may be quite a few years ago now, but can you remember how it felt? For me, I was full of excitement and loved the idea of leading a team. A new opportunity like this doesn’t come along every day and I didn’t want to lose it. I had done so much to prove myself and this was my chance to show my leadership team that I could do…
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Change Will Always Happen, But Are You Ready For It?

My whole team walked into the auditorium along with the rest of the company to hear an announcement from our CEO, We assumed that it must be something big because this wasn’t the normal way she would share information with us. She announced that we were going to split our company into two companies. In that moment, my head started spinning. What would that mean for everyone? Which company would I end up going to and where would my team go?…
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Are You Ready to Master Your Visibility?

I have had some people ask me about the book writing/publishing process and how it works. It has been a four-year journey for me to get to this point with The Visibility Factor book that I wrote. It took me a while to get things organized (thank you to AJ my developmental book editor) and figure out what I wanted to include in the book that would help people the most. I had to become more vulnerable and go through the situations…
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Why Are Leaders Afraid to Delegate?

Delegating to team members is a challenge for any manager whether they are brand new or have been leading teams for years. It requires a shift in mindset on the best way way to get the work done through others and not do it themselves.  I was talking with a client this morning. He shared that he had too many meetings on his calendar and had no time to plan or be strategic. We talked about the work he has, the…
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How Are You Building Your Influence?

I met with a new client the other day and he mentioned that he wanted to work on influence. I asked him to share more about what influence meant for him. He said, “I see influence as one of the more important things that you can do as a leader. I should use it with my team, my management, clients, and peers, but I don’t.” When I pressed him to share why, he said “I think it is fear. What…
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Taking the Leap Into a First Time Manager Role

John was an intern and proved that he could succeed in multiple areas of the company. They offered him a full-time role and he did a great job. As the company grew they decided to give him people management responsibilities. He began having challenges with the transition from being a doer to becoming a leader of a team.  When I met with John he was excited about his new role, but felt unsure of himself. He had never led people before…
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How You See Yourself Has Everything To Do With Your Success

Sarah and I met to discuss her visibility goals. She had a big career plan that she wanted to achieve and that meant finding ways to get in front of her leadership. We went through the process and created a detailed plan for her to follow. She had everything that she needed to execute the plan and we set a date for a follow-up session a few weeks later.  She called me for her session and I could tell by the…
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Are You Letting the Fear of Something New Hold You Back?

Every time a leader moves up to the next level it brings excitement, but it also brings out the doubts and insecurities. It can also happen when you take on more responsibilities that are new to you. One of my business mentors referred to it as a new “first.” This is when you go through something for the first time. It feels uncomfortable and it is filled with unknowns. It is completely normal and the same experience that everyone goes through…
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