
Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/16/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  earning credibility, inspirational quotes, chasing your vision, best leaders are great coaches, putting together an organizational strategy, making choices in your life, are you creating memories, can you create your best day today?   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes 10 Powerful Ways You Can Earn #Credibility in Your Industry @LollyDaskal  Credibility is your best currency, with it you are solvent without you are bankrupt.   25 Inspirational Quotes By The…
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Can You See My Vision?

Creating a vision is an important step for a leader to communicate to their team or organization. Leaders need to be able to confidently articulate the vision for their team or organization in such a way that people believe in it and see that it is possible.  A vision is defined as a high-level outcome that you want to attain and should be shared in a way that people feel inspired by it, connected to it and want to reach…
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Are You Ready to Dream Big?

My husband and I went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) tonight.  If you haven’t heard of them before, they are a group of singers, musicians, songwriters and storytellers that tour at Christmas time.   They have been playing rock music with a combination of art, stories and visual effects for the past 21 years.  They play some traditional Christmas music, as well as their own songs.   Many of the songs are so great that they don’t even require lyrics or…
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