2 Easy Ways to Be Intentional and Achieve Your Goals

One of my friends wants to move to a healthier weight. She began to change what she eats last year and has now started to add exercise in to help her achieve her goal. She proudly announced to our group that she is going to work out every day this year and she hasn’t missed a day yet. She has attempted weight loss in the past, but she is doing something different this time. She knows that she will need help to stay motivated, so she declared it to friends and a Facebook group of people who are also doing the same thing. It gives her the support when she needs it to help her achieve this goal for herself. 

It works the same way with goals at work. Everyone starts out with the best of intentions, but other priorities come into the picture or the goal seems really big and overwhelming. It becomes hard to maintain your motivation and in some cases even get started. This is why many people will get to the last quarter of the year and realize that they are almost out of time to complete their goal. This can be avoided simply by an intentional approach on action and the recognition that you are not the only one who can help achieve this goal.

Each morning set an intention to do one thing that moves you forward on one of your goals.

It can be a small step, but just take one action. If you have multiple goals, you can select one goal to work on each day of the week or if you want more focus choose one goal to work on each week of the month. You will be motivated each time you take the next action and you see the progress that you have achieved over time.

Remember that you also don’t have to do the work on your goal all on your own.

Yes, you are accountable to achieve the goal, but you can ask for help from others to accomplish it. Once you have identified the actions that need to be done, be intentional and think about how you can get help from others in the team. They can help you review your actions to see if there are other options to consider, partner with you to accomplish deliverables or simply be there to support you when you need it. They can also hold you accountable to keep you in action when you need the motivation. Help is there for you, all you have to do is ask for it.

Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.”  
Robert Collier 

Everyone has the same amount of time to accomplish things. Leaders who achieve success know it comes down to the intentions that they take each day. It is a matter of being intentional with the time that you have so that you get the results that you want.

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