For simplification reasons, I recently moved some of my accounts to a different bank that is near where I live. I noticed immediately that when I walked into the bank I was greeted by a person seated near the entrance. They asked me how I was doing, what my name was, how could they help me and offered me a coffee or a water. Was I really at a bank? Then they walked me to the office of the person who helped me set up my accounts. I won’t detail all the steps they took to help me, but I will tell you it was the ultimate customer service approach. For anyone that knows me, I am all about great customer service!
This type of approach never happened at other banks. I would walk in and at times couldn’t even find anyone to talk to about what I needed. No one really seemed to care if I banked there or not. They didn’t know my name, ask how my business was going or how my kids are doing. Just focused on the transaction and that was it.
So why am I sharing this with you? Do you see the difference in my two different experiences?
One approach was strategic and was the other was tactical. The bank that I am at now took the strategic approach to build a connection with me for a long term relationship. They made things easy for me and followed up on things with me to see if I was satisfied. I can walk in there any day of the week now and they actually know my name. I have never had an experience like that before and it happens every time I go there. They have been so great, that I opened accounts for my kids there and added some other services. My kids know their banker’s name and he comes out to talk to them when he sees them walk in. They are now building connections with my kids as long term customers. Their original connection with me not only built a great introductory relationship, but it also gave them more business for the long term.
Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Take the time to connect with people in your life and those that you work with every day. Find something that you can build on as a connection with them. The next time you see them, surprise them by asking how things are going with information they previously shared with you. Show them that you were paying attention and listening. This is an opportunity to build an authentic connection with them that they will never forget.
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