There is a saying that goes, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” That happens for me a lot whether I am meeting a new person, reading a book or listening to a podcast. My love of learning is my number one strength. It fulfills me so much and helps me to be a better coach for my clients. One of those “teaching” opportunities showed up for me a few weeks ago.
One of my coach friends introduced me to a book called “The Why Cafe” by John Strelecky which is a pretty short read of only 144 pages, but full of so much more than just the pages in the book. If you haven’t heard about it, it is a fictional story about a man who goes into a cafe and meets people who ask him three questions that change his life forever. Without giving away anything, the three questions are:
Why are you here?
Do you fear death?
Are you fulfilled?
The author shares the lessons in a conversational story format, but with so much meaning below the surface. These are clearly not the easiest questions to answer, but if you could, imagine how much simpler your approach to life could be. If someone asked you those questions, how would you answer?
Here is a video from the author that will make your day: Museum Day. This video is based on one of his other books called the The Big Five for Life. I just watched it for the first time. It is inspiring and motivating to look at your life with this in mind. Let me know if it sparks a change that you want to make in your own life! Now is the time…..