This month’s theme is about self-care. I have shared in the past that self-care isn’t something that I practiced consistently. When you are working full-time with young children and getting no sleep you are just glad that your clothes match when you get to work!
However, I have now seen the error of thinking that way. If you can’t take care of yourself then you can’t care for others in the best way. Iyanla Vanzant who is author and speaker, refers to this as “keeping your cup full.” If you give away everything that is in your cup to everyone else first, there is nothing left for you. Now you may be thinking well that sounds pretty selfish. Maybe it is, but when it comes to taking care of yourself, you should be a little selfish. You aren’t focusing on yourself all day and night to the detriment of everyone around you. You are just finding ways throughout the day to take care of yourself. Iyanla refers to this as being “self-full.”
Hoping that for those of you thinking that you don’t have time for self-care, you can see it differently and make it a reality. Make a list of what makes you happy and brings you joy. Focus on doing at least one of those things each day. Even if it is only for a short amount of time, it will start filling up your cup!