Remember how free you used to feel when you were little and you would just play all day long? Everything in front of you was something new and exciting to try out. You were operating out of curiosity and a sense of adventure to see what other new things you could try out.
Somewhere along the way you were probably told to slow down, be careful or not to try out certain things by parents, teachers or babysitters. They didn’t want you to get hurt and they were trying to keep you safe. Obviously keeping you from getting hurt is something that they should do, but it also started to place a bit of fear and doubt in you. The more they tried to keep you safe, the more fear it put into your head. You may have even started looking for validation from them before trying things to see if it was okay.
These experiences shaped you into the person that you are today. Think about your reactions to new things. Are you still looking for validation from others before trying things? Do you still feel that fear and doubt that started back when you were young? Most people don’t realize that those responses started many years ago and have stayed with you into your adulthood.
The next time you have something new, could you push past the fear that you may feel and remember how brave you felt as a child? What if you try to recreate that now in your life instead? Try to live in curiosity and courage instead of fear and doubt. Prove to yourself that you can do it with something small and build up your confidence to try bigger things.
Have you heard about the Women’s Leadership Retreat that I am hosting in April? It is happening this week! There are only two spots left! Reach out to me and get more information so you can join us!