Self-doubt shows up when you are out of your comfort zone and trying something new. All of these stories show up in your head telling you why you aren’t ready for it and placing doubt in your mind. What if those stories weren’t even true, but you still believed them? How can you move past them?
Once you recognize that this is occurring, you can see that you are stuck. It is important to remember that your ego is trying to keep you safe in moments of self-doubt and fear. Do you have people in your circle that you trust? This group can be made up of friends, peers, mastermind group, mentor or coach. A group like this can be critical to have in a moment of self-doubt. They can help you see the truth that you can’t see and that the story you are believing right now isn’t true.
If you don’t have a group like this in your life, start to form one now. Look for people who have your best interests at heart and not people who will take advantage of you in a vulnerable moment. Also practice doing some reflection to better understand where this self-doubt may be coming from. Is it true for you right now or is there something from the past that may be showing up again in this moment?