Is It Time to Let Go?

What are you holding onto?

I have clients who want something bigger in their life or career, but they can’t seem to move forward and don’t understand why.

For example, a client wants to take a different job at a new company. He applies online at multiple places and has had a few networking conversations, but so far nothing has changed. I will ask him what he thinks he could do to move things forward faster. He shrugs his shoulder and says he doesn’t know what else to try. He looks defeated. This is not the first time we have talked about his job search. He knows that he needs to be networking more, but he isn’t making it happen. There is a reason, but he can’t see it yet.

I will sometimes use an analogy, so clients can see what is happening for them. Here is an example:

“Imagine you are standing on a dock looking across the lake on a beautiful sunny day. There is a rowboat tied to the dock and you are anxious to take it out on the water. You see a dock on the other side of the lake and you decide to row over to it. You are rowing along, but you realize that no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get past the half way point of the lake. You keep rowing and rowing, but you get no further. You are stuck in the middle of the lake. You look back and realize why…you are still tied to the dock. You can’t get to the other side without removing the rope from the dock where you started. 

I will ask a few questions now to help him think about his situation.

  • What can you take away from this analogy about your own job search situation?
  • Just like being tethered to the dock, is it safer for you to hold onto what you know vs going to the unknown?
  • Can you see that you can’t move on to the next thing that you want until you let go of what is holding you back?
  • Are you self-sabotaging your job search by not having more networking conversations which ultimately keeps you where you are?
  • What stories are you telling yourself that hold you back?

Sometimes we see that the situation we are in feels safer than moving onto one that we don’t know anything about. Once he is able to name the fear and see what is happening, it loses its power over him. That is the first step in letting that fear go so he can move forward.

Are you holding onto something that is keeping you tied to your own “dock” and preventing you from moving forward?

The Amplify You Program can help you to let go of your fears and limiting beliefs, so you can become the leader you are meant to be. Helping people to come out of the shadows and embrace their visibility, voice and value is the reason I wrote the book. Now with the podcast and the Amplify You program, the message can go even further. Are you ready to let go of being invisible and staying quiet? It’s time for you to learn how to be visible in a much bigger way!

Set up time with me at the link below and we can discuss if the program is right for you!

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