Have you taken a look at your priority list lately? There are probably quite a few items that you have on it between your work and your home life. Look at your list closely, do you see yourself on that list anywhere? If you are like most people, the answer to that question is no. You may feel that it is implied because you are a part of what is listed there, but are any of them solely about you?
Parents may struggle with this more than anyone, especially if you have small children. They do require a lot of your time and it feels like you have no time for yourself. The same can also be said for the caregivers of those who are sick. Is that really true though? It comes back to what you have heard on the airplane when you fly: “in the event of an emergency and oxygen is required, put the mask on yourself before your child.” What this really means is that you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Are you doing that?
it may mean that you have to structure things differently in your day in order to get that focused time. Some people may be early risers so that they can go to the gym, meditate or just take time to enjoy their morning beverage of choice while it is quiet. Others may prefer to stay up later to read or catch up on their latest favorite show. You may need to be creative with your time, but it needs to happen. I have seen too many people who are so stressed out, exhausted and starting to become physically sick themselves because they aren’t taking the time to put themselves first.
I will confess that this has not always been something I have been good at either. Making myself a priority always felt kind of selfish when I looked at all the other things on the list of things to do. However, I have come to realize that it isn’t selfish at all to prioritize yourself and it is just like the metaphor of putting on the oxygen mask. By taking the time for yourself, you will find that you actually have more to give to others in your life. You will be more present with those around you, less stressed about your long list of priorities and ready to focus on what needs to be done. What are you going to do differently to make yourself a priority starting today?