One of the biggest changes that I have made since I left my corporate career is being comfortable taking imperfect action.
It is so empowering to try things and experiment vs. having to get it all right. Now I implement imperfect actions each day without the worry of what anyone else thinks. It is incredibly freeing to do things without any fear.
Looking back in my past, the word imperfect wasn’t a part of my vocabulary. I wore the crown of perfection proudly and would wait until I was more certain before taking any action. I had a story in my head that said I had to try to be perfect, avoid criticism, and eliminate any possibility of failure. I didn’t realize how that thinking held me back.
Trying to be perfect meant that I wouldn’t speak up on things, stand up for myself or take advantage of opportunities to be visible.
I played it safe and as a result, I didn’t move forward in my career. It was frustrating to operate that way, but I didn’t know where to start. I had to learn how to be more visible and try things. It was time to make changes, no matter how uncomfortable or scary they were for me. Taking new actions to raise my visibility changed everything for me.
I recently put a poll on LinkedIn to ask the readers the question, “where are you still letting perfection or doubts hold you back from doing something you want to do?” Over 60% of people responded that the fear of “making a change” was what held them back. What if the changes you made could change everything about your career and how you see yourself? What if the steps you took each day changed how others saw you too? Would it be worth it to try?
Start today and try something different that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
Take small imperfect actions to help you move through change. It’s time to let go of your fears and say yes to making a change that will create a huge impact on your life and your career. You are too valuable to remain in the background. Don’t let perfectionism and fear keep you from showing others how incredible you are!