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Using Your Influence…

In addition to my book, The Visibility Factor Podcast is one of the ways that I use to influence leaders on leadership, visibility and using their voice. It is a medium to help me scale the message of visibility to more people.

This week I published the 100th episode which is a big milestone! When I put together the top 10 episodes, one stood out to me. It was a solo episode called Mastering the Art of Influence. (Take a listen! 😀) I recorded it at the very beginning of the show because it is so highly connected to visibility and leadership.

Coincidentally, the influence topic has been coming up a lot this week in client conversations. Some leaders are leveraging their influence but not to the extent that they could be, while others aren’t doing it at all. I get it. Influence isn’t a simple concept. Some see it as a negative thing to do. They feel like they are manipulating others to get them to do things, so they choose not to influence at all. Others see the benefit of influence as a way to sell ideas and get support, but they aren’t sure how to do it.

Influence wasn’t top of mind for me as I was coming up in the organization. When I began to work on projects that had multi-year deliverables, it became clear that if wanted to achieve big outcomes, I needed to leverage influence. Prior to this point, building relationships happened organically, but now those relationships had to be built with intention and strategy. I needed resources, funding and other parts of the organization to get involved which meant having the right relationships to help us move faster. We would be more successful with the alignment of senior leader to the vision for this project, and visibly demonstrate their support for it.

You need people to help you get things done and the alignment with the right people in the organization is the key to achieving success. This is why influence is important. The relationships need to be built with intention on a foundation of trust, consistency, credibility, and clarity of what you are trying to accomplish. It also helps you build your visibility and show your value to people who may not have known you before.

How would you rate yourself on your level of influence at work? Do you have the foundations of trust, consistency, credibility and clarity in place? Where could you use influence to help you in your personal life too?

The Amplify You Program includes many topics for discussion and mastering influence is a critical one. Influential conversations are happening around you everyday.  Being visible and leveraging your influence or influencing others is an important skill to master in every area of your life.

If you want to gain more influence, this program will help you progress rapidly and give you opportunities to apply your skills quickly. I’ll provide you with my favorite resources and we will have engaging group conversations about influence and where you can leverage it. Think about career conversations, leveraging resources at work, negotiating for funding or contracts, managing up, talent discussions, etc.

Set up time at the link below and we can discuss if the program is right for you!

Learn About the Amplify You Program!

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