Try This Simple Approach to Create Success for You and Your Team

show don't tell

My book editor taught me a concept that says “show don’t tell.” It is used to help readers understand the situation through the story or the information that you use to describe it, instead of telling them what happened. It is more impactful for people because they can remember the story and the lesson that you are teaching. It helps them visualize the setting and they can experience the moment that you went through. This can also be applied in the…
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Are You in Meeting Overload? Try These Tips to Help Your Work Day Improve!

I can tell you that I definitely suffered from meeting overload when I was in corporate. I have shared with you that there were often three meetings happening at the same that I was expected to attend. I had to determine which meeting I would attend and send some of my team to the other meetings or get the notes later. Not an ideal scenario for anyone to deal with as a leader.  Meetings seem to be a way of life that is…
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Is This a Conversation That Could Change Everything?

When people reach out to me for coaching, I spend the time to know who they are and understand what they are struggling with in that moment. We talk about what they want to accomplish so we both know the outcome that they want. This is a journey that they are about to go on as a leader and we are creating a partnership together.  As a part of the coaching programs that I attended, I was taught to meet people…
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Should you Stay or Should you Go?

People who leave companies do so for various reasons. They may be moving to a place that is further away from their job or they found a role that offers more opportunities for them. Everyone has their reasons, but many times they leave because of the leader that they work for. Leaders have a visible role in an organization. They are in meetings with senior leaders and they interact with others throughout the organization. What about their direct reports though? It…
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Look for Opportunities in Your Next Conversation

Visibility isn’t top of mind for many leaders. They perceive it to be extra work and hard to do. I assure you that it does not need to be hard to do or extra work. I want you to consider that you probably have multiple conversations with different people each day. Let me share a secret with you…Every conversation that you have is an opportunity for you to create visibility.  Look for opportunities to share information about what you did…
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Is It Time for A New Visibility Approach to Help Your Team?

Tom was overwhelmed by everything that he had to do. He needed additional resources, but he wasn’t able to convince his manager to move forward to hire anyone yet. We talked about the conversations that he had with his manager so far. He said, “I created a list of all the work that we have to do and how my current team is unable to handle it all. I asked for two more people and showed how the work would…
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How Do You Create Visibility for the Leaders on Your Staff?

As you progress to higher levels in an organization, you will inevitably not only be the leader of a team, but you will begin to lead other leaders.  While this may seem similar in scope, leading other leaders requires a different mindset to be effective.  These high potential leaders may already have strong skills, experience, and the respect of their teams. They are looking to be further developed and stretched even more. How will you set these leaders up for success? You will need to…
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How Can You Build the Confidence and Visibility of Your Team?

One of the best ways that you can create visibility for your team members is for you to talk about their accomplishments in front of management and influencers. It helps to build their brand in the eyes of decision-makers. The team members may not be in meetings with these people yet so they can’t always advocate for themselves. Management will take the credibility that you have and give it to the team members that you lead because of what you tell them. …
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Are You Helping Your Team Become More Visible?

I thought I would share a small excerpt from my upcoming book, The Visibility Factor with you on Team Visibility. The book is for corporate leaders who work hard and think that should be enough to help them advance their careers. What they don’t realize is the importance of being in front of their management to show their capabilities and the value that they bring. Readers will learn about the importance of visibility, be able to create a customized visibility plan,…
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How to Leverage Curiosity for Stronger Networking Conversations

One of my clients, Tom, works on a team and is interested in moving up to a manager role. He said that he wanted to increase his visibility to show his management that he is ready for a promotion. I asked him, “What are you doing now to increase your visibility?” He responded, “I meet with my manager and my peers on a regular basis. I have made some presentations to my leadership team and received positive feedback for them.” I asked, “Have…
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