What If You Do Just One Thing For Yourself Every Day?

This month’s theme is about self-care.  I have shared in the past that self-care isn’t something that I practiced consistently.  When you are working full-time with young children and getting no sleep you are just glad that your clothes match when you get to work! However, I have now seen the error of thinking that way.  If you can’t take care of yourself then you can’t care for others in the best way.  Iyanla Vanzant who is author and speaker, refers to…
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Are You Missing Out on the Important Signs?

Have you ever experienced those signs where your body is trying to tell you something?  You are familiar with the easy ones…when you are hungry your stomach rumbles, when you are thirsty you feel parched, but what about other signs that may occur?  Some people may experience these feelings in their bodies either in their stomach or their chest.  It may be referred to as intuition or trusting your gut as a way to describe it.  For example, you may…
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Would You Like to Experience More Joy in Your Life?

This past weekend I was lucky enough to see the author Byron Katie in person in Phoenix.  When she was in her 30’s she became severely depressed which lasted nearly 10 years. One day she realized that her own thoughts were making her suffer, not the actual world around her.  This led her to create what she now calls “The Work” to teach people how to use her process to help themselves as they work through their own thoughts. In Katie’s…
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What Do You Want the Story of Your Life to Be?

There is a saying that goes, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  That happens for me a lot whether I am meeting a new person, reading a book or listening to a podcast.  My love of learning is my number one strength.  It fulfills me so much and helps me to be a better coach for my clients.  One of those “teaching” opportunities showed up for me a few weeks ago. One of my coach friends introduced…
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What Would a Simple Vision Look Like For You?

When you hear that you should “create a vision” what is the first thought that runs through your head?  Does creating something like that for yourself excite you or make you feel overwhelmed?  For many people that I have worked with they have said, “I have no idea where to start.” or “How can I think about something that big?”   No one says that it has to be really elaborate or that it has to be for a really…
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How Can You Ensure That Your Vision is a Success?

I worked with an organization a few years ago that was having a lot of challenges. The leader had come in a few years before and had painted a vision that got everyone excited about the future of the organization. If the teams could achieve that vision, then it would change how the group was perceived in the organization and it would help them be more effective as a team. Sharing a vision is a great way to motivate people,…
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What If You Got to Be the Superhero?

  I took my son to see the new animated Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse movie last week and this quote showed up at the end of the show: “That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, the real superhero.” – Stan Lee (A quote from the Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse movie) In the movie, Miles Morales has to put on the…
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Are You Ready to Start 2019 Off the Right Way?

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019! I love the first day of the year. It is a clean slate to start over and move forward from what happened last year. I posted a quote yesterday that said: “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” by Brad Paisley. So it is now time to fill up your first page of the year. What do you want to write on that first page that…
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Could This Simple Tool Make a Difference in Your Motivation?

Are you the person who hops out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off or the person who hits the snooze button a few times before getting up? I was definitely the person who hit the snooze button for many years. I actually used to set my alarm a half hour early just so I could snooze multiple times. How crazy is that thinking? I realized that when I did that, it would actually make it harder for…
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How Can I Find My Motivation Again?

I went to meet a friend for lunch the other day. She was sharing that there are days where she is just not feeling very motivated to get things done. I told her that this happens to everyone once in a while. Does this sound like you too? It can be even more challenging around the holidays when you have a lot of additional things to get done. You may also be dealing with a stressful event or you are…
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