What Are the Skills of the Future?

  Technology is driving more and more automation in business and in our personal lives. Things that used to be done manually are now being automated.  Information is coming in at a much faster rate than ever before and industries are constantly going through change.  This will obviously have an impact on what skills and capabilities people will need to have in the future. The ability to perform analysis, make decisions quickly and adapt to these changes are skills that organizations…
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Do You Want to Take Some Great Advice?

Whenever you need a little advice, it is great to have a someone to reach out to inspire or motivate you.  This article by Ruchika Tulshyan shares the career advice from eight Seattle women who have found success as they have risen to the executive levels.  Although each one shares a different view on what has made them successful, it is great to take the lessons that they have learned and reflect how they may apply in your own career.  Here…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 1/22/18

Client Question: “My manager suggested that I get a mentor to help me learn more about the business.  I think it is a great idea, but I am not sure how to find one or what to say to them?” Let’s start with the feedback you got from your manager.  There are usually two types of feedback you receive on learning about the business:  Focus more on learning more about the business in general or learning about a specific part…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 1/19/18

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  leading virtual teams, social media skills for leaders, bad employee engagement, dealing with and accepting rejection, become a leader worth following, avoiding failure, celebrate successes, getting what you want in your career, building connections with your team Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  4 Habits of Highly Effective Virtual Teams by Leslie Brokaw Many employees expect work-from-home to be an option. A handful of practices can help an organization succeed at its remote…
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Are You Connecting in the Right Way With Your Team?

Looking back over your career, there were leaders that you enjoyed work for and some that you did not.  What were the differences between those two groups of people?   I can share from my own experience, that there were 4 things that made a difference: Did they actually take the time to connect with me? Did they care about my development? Did they support me when things went well and when they didn’t? Did they give me the chance to…
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Here is What You Need to Get Where You Want in your Career!

Imagine that you are working really hard at your job.  You are having successes and in your mind you think “this is it!  I am going to get promoted for all this great work I have done!”  But nothing happens.  No one comes to you offering a promotion.  Your boss doesn’t mention anything either.  You see other people getting promoted, so now you wonder what is the secret to making this happen? Here is the secret.  Your performance while great,…
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It’s Time to Marvel at Your Success!

Today’s Guest Contributor Post is by Mona Reiser.  Mona is a former Customer Service and Supply Chain Executive who resides in Atlanta.  She now helps other businesses to set them up for success.  “I feel like I don’t let myself marvel in my success.”  This quote by F.E.in one of my readings this past Sunday made me stop in my tracks.  Taking this quote out of the context of the story itself, is applicable to everyday activities and even more…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 1/15/18

Monday Morning Leadership

  Client Question: “I have an interview coming up for a job that seems perfect for me.  I am sure that I will tell them that I can do the job, but what if I get it and then I find that I can’t do it?  I don’t want to fail.” The fear of failure can be so paralyzing for people that it keeps them from trying anything new at all.  Unfortunately, there are no changes that you can take…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 1/12/18

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  how to appreciate your employees, handling difficult people, restoring your confidence, what not to say to millennials, building teams for the future, speaking up in a group, how can coaching benefit your leadership mistakes to avoid when coaching, steps to take when you want to be a coaching leader Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: If you Treat Employees like they don’t make a difference, they won’t! by Brigette Hyacinth “If you…
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This is What You Need to Begin Coaching Your Team Today

Yesterday’s post talked about the coaching mistakes that leaders can make and how to learn from them to improve their leadership.  The speed at which things are happening now is so fast, that it a challenge for leaders to stay on top of everything.  Sure it would be really simple to just tell your team what to do and then have them go do it.  However, that will prevent them from being able to learn how to lead, problem solve and…
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