Are You Ready to Stop Being Distracted?

​Are you feeling like there is so much going on each and every day that you can’t focus on anything very well?   The list of things on your to do list grows even when you are crossing some of them off.  I wasn’t even sure where to start sometimes when I was feeling very overwhelmed.  To me, it was like a merry-go-round that I didn’t know how to stop. Technology in some ways has helped us a lot, but we…
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Are You Ready To Be Intentional?

Are there things that you have been putting off in your life or career? It always seems like there is plenty of time and you will get to it next week, next month or next year. In light of the horrible events yesterday in Las Vegas and all of the other sad tragedies going on with the hurricanes, it is a reminder that we don’t know how long we have. Do you have a bucket list of things just waiting…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q & A – 10/2/17

Client Question: “How do you have the conversation with your manager about being ready for the next step in your career?”   These are important conversations to have so that everyone is on the same page.  Sharing your career plan with your manager is a key step to ensure that they are aligned with your next step.  This should ideally be a conversation that takes place when you are ready and not wait until your year-end review.  Sharing your career…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 9/29/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: Getting promotion ready, avoiding threats to your success, building a culture of learning, delegating with purpose, figuring out if you are a good fit for a company, what are you doing to stand out, are you building an culture of engagement   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: 6 Ways to Demonstrate That You Are Promotion Ready by Sally Blount 6 Ways to Demonstrate That You Are Promotion Ready 6 ways to…
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Are You Standing Out?

You have opportunities every day to volunteer for projects, meet new people and try new things. Are you actually doing it though? It is so much easier to stay in your comfort zone and continue to do the same old things, but it will keep you in the same place. This is a decision that you need to make and it is not always an easy decision. You may have a lot going on and will be quick to talk…
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Are You a Leader Who Likes to Have Fun?

​Leadership is one of those words that can mean a lot of things to different people.  Some of that comes from the type of companies you worked in, the leaders you worked for, who mentored you and other leaders who inspired you.  To some extent it also depends on your own personality and style.  Each leader brings their own unique style to the role and that may change as their own leadership evolves and changes.   Many of these things also…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 9/25/17

Client Question: “What can I do to learn if a company is a good fit for me as I am searching for a new job?”​​ Start off by looking at the website called Glassdoor. It offers the ability for ratings and feedback to be captured from current and past employees. It will give you a sense of what the culture is like, how the CEO is rated and potentially some salary information. Be mindful that there could be some feedback…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 9/22/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: Finding meaning & purpose, overcoming the fear of success, overcoming setbacks, developing confidence, starting your own business, limiting beliefs, create an energetic space, using observation to learn from others   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Employees want meaning & purpose via @ForbesCoaches Companies need to transform to retain employees looking for meaning and purpose   5 Stepping Stones to Overcome the Fear of Success –  by Karen Dikson You need…
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Have You Taken The Time To Make New Observations?

Is there something that you want to learn, but haven’t mastered yet?  Of course you have a list of those ideas either in your head or on paper.  When you decide which one or two things you want to work on, then you can start to identify ways to get that knowledge quickly.  In general, leaders are learners by nature and will find different ways to acquire that knowledge.  You could read books, listen to podcasts and books, read articles,…
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What Would Motivate You To Do This?

One of the kids went to a person’s house yesterday and said “it was pretty cluttered.”  My response was “more than ours?”  She said that this person hasn’t gone through Sue Barber’s remodeling effort yet.  For those who know me, I do have a bit of a challenge with clutter.  I have been actively working on cleaning out things and getting rid of old stuff.  I recognized how much it was weighing me down and draining my energy.  For her…
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