
The Silent Struggle of Feeling Undervalued

Every single day I meet with people who feel like they aren’t enough. They have thoughts running through their heads that tell them other people are better, smarter, and know more. They may recognize that these thoughts are happening, but they don’t understand how these thoughts impact their behavior. The impact of this kind of thinking impacts everything that they do. They hold themselves back and play small and these thoughts prevent them from reaching their potential. This leads these…
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How to Build Self-Trust as a Leader

I was just reading an article from the co-founder of Netflix, Marc Randolph, about the 25 year anniversary of the company. He shared that “they simply believed that there “had to be a better way” to rent movies but along the way, we ended up not just changing the way the world consumes content, but how that content is created.” He also mentioned that every single person told him in the beginning that what he wanted to create with Netflix “would never…
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Vulnerability Can Change Everything for You

I was sitting in a book editing retreat to learn the best ways to edit my book a few years ago. It was a small group event held in a beautiful resort in upstate New York to teach all the future authors in the room how to edit our books. During one of the first days of the event, each of us was supposed to take a turn reading a small selection of one of our chapters to the rest…
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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Can you overcome limiting beliefs? The short answer is yes…and it takes time to shift them. These beliefs are ingrained in our brains and may have been there since we were children. Here are some of the types of limiting beliefs that can exist for you: self-limiting beliefs, societal beliefs, and cultural beliefs. These long held beliefs are true for you in your brain and they impact how you see the world, make decisions, and see yourself.  What is a…
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Do You Have a Strong Personal Brand?

Are you paying attention to your personal brand? Some people may refer to a personal brand as your image. If you aren’t familiar with the term, here is a great definition from Laura Morgan Roberts in an article titled, Creating a Positive Professional Image. She was quoted to say, “Your professional image is the set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of your competence and character as judged by key constituents (i.e. clients, colleagues, superiors, subordinates).” You will see that at times, the…
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Communicating with Impact

Have you ever shared a situation or story with someone and you can tell by their response, that they have no idea what you said because they weren’t listening to you? We have all experienced this at one time or another, but why does it happen? Did they not find the topic interesting, were they thinking about something else, or maybe they were distracted? Any of those may be true, but something else to be aware of is that when…
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Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities?

Are you letting opportunities pass you by? In every organization, there are processes that are inefficient, people who need training, frustrations about workload, and problems that need to be solved. These are just a few examples and there are many more that exist in a company.   How come no one is trying to solve them? The list of reasons usually sounds like this: lack of time, may not have the skills or expertise, don’t view it as part of their…
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It’s Time to Share Your Story!

What are the top experiences that you have had in your career? Think of some project or team that you were a part of that made a huge impact on you. That experience helped you gain knowledge, learn a lesson, grow as a leader, bond as a team, or perhaps you made the impossible, possible. So are you going to keep that all to yourself or are you going to share what you learned?  Every person that I work with…
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The Visibility Factor Book is One Year Old Today!

One year ago today I launched The Visibility Factor book out into the world! I thought you might like a peek behind the curtain at what that day was like for me! It was like giving birth to a child (without having to go to the hospital, the pain, having a crying infant, and the getting no sleep part) where everyone was excited that this “baby” called The Visibility Factor had been born! It was a celebration that included, phone…
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What Can Tough Situations Teach You?

How many times have you said or done something that you wished you could take back or change? I remember standing in front of a large audience at a conference and being so nervous. It was in the middle of the conference hall and not in a private room which is where all of my other speeches had been. There were no chairs for people to sit on. It was like speaking in the middle of the shopping mall and…
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