
The Silent Struggle of Feeling Undervalued

Every single day I meet with people who feel like they aren’t enough. They have thoughts running through their heads that tell them other people are better, smarter, and know more. They may recognize that these thoughts are happening, but they don’t understand how these thoughts impact their behavior. The impact of this kind of thinking impacts everything that they do. They hold themselves back and play small and these thoughts prevent them from reaching their potential. This leads these…
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Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Visibility?

“Is there such a thing as too much visibility?” This is a question that I get in nearly every speaking engagement that I do. When I press them for more information, it is usually a response similar to this one: “I don’t want to be seen as someone who brags or who takes up all the space in the room. I am afraid that I would be seen as that kind of person if I am being visible and I…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 2/5/18

Client Question: “I know that I am only 1 month into this new role, but I just feel overwhelmed with all that I have to learn.  I think I may be in over my head when I compare myself to everyone else who seems to know so much.”  It is very common to have self-doubt at the beginning of a new role.  Everyone goes through this same feeling.  You knew so much in your old role and people came to…
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What if You See Comparison as a Good Thing?

Let’s face it we live in a world of comparison.  We compare the kind of car that we drive, where we live, type of career we have, etc.  We try not do it, but it is one of those judgments that we pass before we even realize it.  It becomes especially challenging in your career as you compare yourself against others in your workplace.  You look at your peers or management to try to figure out what they are doing…
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How Can We Stop Comparing Ourselves All The Time?

Comparing ourselves to others is something that everyone has done.  We all grew up being compared to each other in school, in sports and at home.  Statistics were tracked about grades, sports achievements and you may have felt like your parents were keeping track of what you had done vs your siblings.   Fast forward to becoming an adult and the comparison continues.  People are rated in companies on their performance and potential.  Employees are rated in comparison to their peers? …
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