
What Is it Like To Coach Professional Athletes?

I heard an interview with Andy McKay who is the Director of Player Development for the Seattle Mariners Baseball Team over the weekend.  It was very insightful for me as a coach as he talked about how they work with the baseball players to have success on the field.   Most people think about the coaches that are there during the game with the players, but there are a lot of other coaches helping to support the players in the background. …
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 2/26/18

Client Question:  “My manager told me that I need to work on building more executive presence.  My manager had a hard time explaining it to me, so I am not sure what that means or how to begin building that for myself.  Where should I start?” Executive presence is a term that isn’t always easy to define and so people will generally say that the person has the “it” factor.  Not being able to describe or define it for the…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 2/23/18

Resources to inspire you in your leadership journey!  Employee Engagement Top 4 Benefits of Employee Engagement by Becca Armstrong 7 Great Reasons to Focus on Employee Engagement by Gordon Tredgold “Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” – Anne Mulcahy Courage Do You Have the Courage to Change Who You Lead? by Tanveer Naseer 3 Acts of…
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It’s Time To Write It All Down Now!

I was working with a client yesterday who had so much on his plate that he didn’t even know where to start.   He started sharing all the things that he needed to do and the list was long.  He spoke about the pressure to get everything done.  It brought back many memories for me of my own situations not so long ago.  I used to call it “being on the merry go round that never stops long enough for me…
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Are You Working in a Culture of Respect?

In my first “real” job out of college, I worked at a smaller company with a leader who took command and control to a whole new level.  There was a lot of yelling and swearing in the office.  We never knew how he would be from day to day, so we walked on eggshells afraid to say the wrong thing or to set him off.  Although he hired some really smart and strong leaders, they were limited in what they…
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It Is Time to Collaborate Now!

This morning I was inspired by the power of collaboration.  Being able to connect with other people to help you think through your challenges and find a way forward is so important.  I find that it inspires me with new thinking and ideas that motivate me into action.  Just talking about the problem out loud and thinking about the challenge in a different way helps me break down that issue and create a new way to move forward. My experience…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 2/19/18

Client Question:  “I am really struggling to let go of things and delegate enough to my team.  What can I do to improve my delegation skills?” By far this is one of the most challenging things to do when you are leading a team.  It relies on you to trust your team to do what you are asking them to deliver.  The reason that this may be a challenge is that you already know how to do these things and…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 2/16/18

Resources to inspire you in your leadership journey!  Team Leadership 4 Ways To Share Your Vision and Lead a Successful Team by Stacey Ferreira 15 Effective Ways to Motivate Your Team by Anush Kostanyan 3 Keys to Being a Great Team Leader by Arlene Cohen Miller Networking 10 Powerful Business Networking Skills to Build Rapport Quickly by R.L. Adams These 10 LinkedIn Tips Will Make You a Networking Master by Nina Zipkin My Leadership Posts from this week focused on harnessing the power of a team, building relationships…
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What Story Would You Like to Be Living Out In Your Life?

Do you remember when you were younger and someone asked what you wanted to be when you grew up?  At that point in your life you would have probably told the person that you wanted to be a teacher, fireman, a doctor or a job like one of your parents.  As you grew up you realized that there were so many more choices out there for jobs.  Maybe you chose a major in college that would get you a job…
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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is traditionally thought of as the day for love and relationships.  Since this is a blog about personal development and leadership, I will leave your love life to you to work on and we will talk about relationships from a different perspective. Most people would say that they don’t have the time to connect with others in their network.  Let’s make today the day to change that for you and commit to building some new relationships. Here are some…
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