
Do You Have the “It” Factor to Help You Get Ahead?

Have you noticed that some people just seem to progress through the organization quickly while it may take others longer?  So what do those fast movers do differently?  When they run into challenges, they figure out what isn’t working and try something different.  One of the key traits that successful people have is executive presence.  They are intentional about their career plan, ask for what they want and go make it happen.  They are driven, influential and display confidence which makes…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 10/23/17

Client Question: “When things aren’t going well with our projects, I tend to jump in and start doing things to help them.  I know that may help solve that individual challenge, but it isn’t helping the team grow and develop.  How can I stop putting myself in the middle and trust them to handle it?” This situation comes up a lot for new managers and also for managers who have not learned how to delegate effectively.  It is really easy…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 10/20/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: Leadership comes from within, creating teams with ownership, managing remote employees, making your managers a strategic priority, taking a lateral opportunity can bring positives to your career, personal brand, providing value and addressing negative leaders Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: The Hard Truth About Good Leadership by Chris Myers Leadership doesn’t come from a title or expectation; it comes from within.   5 Ways to Create an Ownership Mentality on Your Team by Joel Garfinkle Giving…
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What Can You Do to Address Negative Leadership?

What is the best way to deal with leaders who are negative?  Sometimes a simple conversation to share      observations and bring awareness can be all that is needed to address the situation.  In other cases, there is a behavior that will take some time to change.  Here is an article that highlights some ways to fix the most common situations that may occur: 14 Signs Of Negative Leadership (And How You Can Fix It) by the Forbes Coaches Council. There is…
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What Value Are You Providing Today?

,Have you thought about the value that you are providing to others? This is a question that individuals, teams and companies should be able to answer.  If you haven’t considered it before, it is something that should be very visible to your clients and customers.  In this article called 7 Ways Not to Screw Up Your Value Proposition by Mark Coronna, he says ” a value proposition is a powerful summary of who you are and what you offer.  It defines what is distinct and…
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What Will People Say About You When You Leave The Room?

Today’s blog is by our guest contributor, Mona Reiser.  She shares her perspective on the importance of managing your personal brand at all times! Do you have a personal brand?  Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’ definition of personal brand:  “It is what people say about you when you leave a room.” There are many examples where this occurs.  How often have you been in the room after someone has just left and you have been part of the commentary that swirled around…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 10/16/17

Client Question: “I don’t have a lot of opportunities to move to the next level.  I want to learn new things, but I really don’t want to leave my current company.  What else can I do?” As organizations become flatter, this is an issue that many people face. Part of this is due to the way things used to be.  Organizations used to have lots of levels.  This meant that you moved up to learn more and have more responsibility. …
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 10/13/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!   This week’s summary includes: Changing yourself, managing a remote workforce, overcoming challenges, simplifying to get more done, best practices for one on ones, retaining your people, making tough decisions, are you really happy?   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Becoming Whole at work: Personal Development to Change the Organization by Marcella Bremer Change yourself to change the organization “Genius is in the idea. Impact, however, comes from action” – Simon Sinek Managing a remote workforce: difficult, but…
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Have You Given Your Team C.R.A.P. Today?

I loved this article called Give Your People C.R.A.P. if You Want Great Employee Retention by Jeff Korles. The acronym C.R.A.P. stands for Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise. He took one word that would normally by seen as negative or derogatory and turned it into a great acronym that you will always remember. I love the simplicity of it. It is easy to remember and now you just need to be intentional about doing it consistently. Focusing on these things is important,…
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How Do You Decide When There Are So Many Choices?

I am on a trip to visit colleges with my daughter who is a senior in high school. I was telling my sister that we were going to visit schools near her house so we could come see her and her family. She asked me “why does everyone visit so many colleges now? When you and I went to college, we just picked one and went to school.” It was a good question. Part of the difference is because we…
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