
Are You Willing To Take No For An Answer?

It is about taking the opportunity to use your voice to make a difference and do something that others can’t imagine doing, but you can. Kris put together this great new program for her company. It was well thought out and although it would take a lot of work to implement, it would be a game changer. Kris was viewed as a risk taker, who could think outside of the box and wasn’t afraid to be bold. She had already…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 5/29/17

Monday Morning Leadership

​Client Question: “Everyone in my management team believes we should go down a certain path for this project and I believe it will cause us major problems if we do. How should I approach this situation?” This is a moment to demonstrate your courage. When you think about the list of leadership traits that leaders possess, courage doesn’t always get mentioned along with the others. It is one of the traits that really makes such a difference though. Having the…
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