How Can You Make a Difference For Your Team Right Now?

Leading others during this pandemic requires creativity and flexibility.

It is an ever-changing environment and things will be done differently to adapt. It isn’t always easy, but it is necessary.

We are five months into the shift to leading teams remotely and at this point, it looks like it will be a lot longer. The ways of working are different, but your priorities are the same. Focus on the development of the team, deliver on your goals, and influence/communicate with clients and your management.  

What is different now is that people are dealing with so much more stress, anxiety, and uncertainty outside of work that is affecting them at work too. It is a reality that can’t be ignored. Promotions, lateral changes, and projects have been put on hold which adds to the challenges that people are facing.

Here are some questions that you can think about when you are assessing how the organization and your team members are doing:

  • How is the team doing?
  • Are you seeing big differences in your team members and could they use additional support?
  • Is the support they need something that you can provide or do they need outside help?
  • What can you do to help them be motivated and inspired to maintain a positive attitude?
  • Are you making time for those people that you mentor outside of your team?
  • How can you continue to ensure the people that you support are still getting the visibility that they need while working remotely?

Leading in this challenging time requires an intentional evaluation of how the team is doing.

Many will say they are fine, but are they really? You can share the observations that you see and let them know that you are there for them. Simply having this awareness during conversations can help uncover something that may be below the surface because you are listening differently now.

Be transparent and honest with them. It is completely okay to say you don’t have all the answers. Leadership is shifting in a different, but important way. You will continue to focus on the priorities that you had before, but you will need to spend time to check in on how the team is doing more often. Be present for the members of your team and the people that you mentor. Let them share how they are doing and show that you are genuinely there to listen to them. Do this with intention and people will know that they can get through this changing environment with your support.

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