How Can You Build the Confidence and Visibility of Your Team?

One of the best ways that you can create visibility for your team members is for you to talk about their accomplishments in front of management and influencers.

It helps to build their brand in the eyes of decision-makers. The team members may not be in meetings with these people yet so they can’t always advocate for themselves. Management will take the credibility that you have and give it to the team members that you lead because of what you tell them. 

Another way that team members can gain visibility is to support each other in meetings.

For example, Mary can share an accomplishment that Tom completed if he isn’t in the room. Any time that someone else talks about another person’s accomplishments, it is ten times better than if the person shared it directly. 

Brian can ensure that Tim is given the chance to talk about a project that he is working on in a management meeting. When Dan facilitates a meeting, he always makes sure that every person gets a chance to be a part of the discussion. Leaders who can lend their support and create opportunities for visibility will help those team members become more confident and open to speak on their own the next time.

Will you take the opportunity to help another team member gain some visibility the next time you have the chance?

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