Trusted Leaders Create Trusting Teams

Have you been on a team that had huge success, accomplished great things and had fun doing it? 

What made it different than any other team?  One of the biggest reasons that a team will have success or failure comes down to trust. It is incumbent upon the leader to create a foundation that is built on trust. Having that foundation is key to be able to challenge each other and create great outcomes as a team. Here are three things that leaders need to do to create a trusted team environment. 

A leader needs to be vulnerable. 

Leaders who build the strongest connections with their team members are willing to be vulnerable. When a leader shows up with vulnerability, it sets the tone for their team. It shows that they are open to collaboration and can admit when they are wrong. They ask their team members to challenge their ideas and decisions, believe in being transparent (where they can be) and they give their team members opportunities to shine. There is no need to take things personally. As a team, they can stand for each other’s success and challenge each other when needed to move the business forward. 

A leader needs to build connection.

When the leader takes the time to build affinity with the team members and understand who they are, the trust begins to grow. This isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen overnight. The team member needs to believe that the leader cares about them as a person and wants to see them succeed. The leader understands what motivates the team, provides support, develops them, and celebrates their success. Assume the best of others and provide coaching to help them grow.  It starts by being consistent with actions and words to build the trust. 

A leader needs to trust themselves first.

Leaders who focus on what everyone else is doing are operating from a place of doubt, fear and insecurity. They live with assumptions and beliefs that others are better than they are which causes them to play small. If they would slow down enough to listen to their own thoughts and ideas they would begin to see that they know more than they realized. They have the experience and knowledge to make the best decisions for the company and their team. Leaders who trust themselves show up with confidence. Team members will want to stay in their team and new team members will want to work for them. Start by making decisions and build internal trust. If there is new information that comes up later, a change can be made. 

If you need to grow trust with your team, implement some of these ideas and then incorporate others as trust in yourself grows. Know that every role and experience that you have had has prepared you for this role that you have.

You are on a journey to be the best leader that you can be and you need to give yourself time to make that happen.

If you need support to help you build trust in yourself or with your team, set up time with me. We can partner together to help you achieve that goal faster! 

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