Are You Ready For a Transformation?

I was watching a video by Dr. Benjamin Hardy, who is the author of many books including the one that I am reading now called 10x is Easier Than 2x. His book, that he co-authored with Dan Sullivan, is focused on ways to achieve more by doing less. In the video, he discussed some of the concepts from the book, he shared that, “courage is the starting point of all transformation.”

If I look back on my own transformations throughout my career, that holds true for me. For example, I had to make a decision to leave Kraft nine years ago. I knew the new version of Kraft post merger, wasn’t going to be a good fit for me. I think in my gut I knew I should have already left, but I stayed because it was comfortable. It wasn’t going to be that way anymore and I had a new plan for myself. I had been going to coach school at night and was preparing for a different career. I wasn’t necessarily planning to execute the “becoming a coach plan” that quickly, but I was glad I was prepared.

Many people in my life questioned my decision. I was asked why I would leave a steady paycheck to go out on my own and start a business? I got a little defensive at the time thinking, why aren’t they happy for me? I have since realized that they weren’t willing to take a risk for themselves and so it is hard for them to see someone else do it. Side note: If you receive criticism from someone, just know that their own insecurities are coming out and being projected on you. They don’t mean harm, they truly believe that they are looking out for you.

Once I made that decision to leave the company, I knew it was the right one for me. I could feel it. I calmed down and was no longer feeling any stress or anxiety. I didn’t need to stay at Kraft and I had a new plan for myself. Although it was scary to leave after so many years, I trusted myself to be brave and try something that I had never done. I knew that I would learn so much more by taking the path that was risky, some might describe it as bold and would take me out of my comfort zone. It was the right path for me and I had to rely on my courage as I began this new adventure.

The transformation that I have gone through is something that I am not only proud of but still in awe of some days. I look back on how I was 12 years ago and I am definitely a different person. I know that the transformation wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t willing to leave the company, take a chance on myself and decide every day how I wanted to show up. It started with making the decision and then having the courage to trust myself.

Every person gets to decide for themselves what is right for them. I share my story with you so you can see that it starts with how you feel wherever you are right now.

Do you daydream about a new job every single day?

Do you see others doing things that you wish you were doing?

Do you want to be living somewhere else?

Do you want to be healthier or travel more?

Do you want to stop being so busy and have more time with your family?

These are just a few examples, but if any of these on this list resonated with you, they might be worth exploring. Maybe you are ready for your own transformation. Whatever level of transformation you want to have, it starts with looking at your choices and having the courage to make the decision. You will know it when it is the right one for you.

👋 Hi! I’m Susan M. Barber!

💜 My mission is to broaden the understanding of what visibility means and enables for business leaders. ⭐ I work with leaders who want to break free from their limiting beliefs, shift the narrative they have about themselves, and help them to amplify their voices so they can have what they want in their life and career!

📘 Check out my book The Visibility Factor! You can find it online in Paperback, e-book or Audiobook!

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