Are You Ready To Be a Coaching Leader?

In yesterday’s post I shared some of my story on how coaching helped me through a tough situation and impacted my style of leadership.  I know that not everyone has been lucky enough to work for someone who is a coaching leader.  I have definitely worked for some leaders who were very poor at leadership in general.  They had the title, but were poor examples of what a leader should be and certainly not someone that I wanted to follow.  To…
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How Can Having a Coach Help You?

Bill Gates once said, “Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”  This applies in leadership as well.  Coaching can take you to the next level.  Why struggle with issues and challenges by yourself?  I didn’t hire my own coach until later in my career.  My coach helped me through a really tough time in my career and I owe her a big debt of gratitude.  She helped…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 1/8/18

  Client Question: “I am afraid to say what I really think about certain things at work for fear of being judged. How do I move past this?” When you were young, you didn’t even hesitate to say or do things. Over time your parents, teachers and caregivers tried to prevent you from being hurt by warning you not to do or say certain things. Although there are still some people that ignored those warnings and continued to be fearless…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 1/5/18

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!   Happy New Year! This week’s summary includes:  Passing on leadership skills to others, succeeding as a new leader, making 2018 your best year by asking 4 questions, changing your career, developing soft skills to make you indispensable, what will you do in 2018, striving for excellence, changing the way you look at resolutions, how to succeed with resolutions when you start to consider dropping them Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  Kids Who Become Exceptional Leaders Have Parents…
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Are You Being Too Hard On Yourself?

Today’s Guest Contributor Post is by Mona Reiser.  Mona is a former Customer Service and Supply Chain Executive who resides in Atlanta.  She now helps other businesses to set them up for success.   “Hard on yourself is an emotion. He strives for excellence, which is purposeful”  Chuck Morris, performance coach says of Minkah Fitzpatrick, Defensive Back for the University of Alabama. As a leader, there are so many times that we are hard on ourselves.  Why does this happen?  Is…
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Are You One Of The 8% Who Will Succeed?

Did you know that only 8% of people are able to successfully keep their resolutions?  That number is much smaller than I thought it would be.  With such a low percentage of success, it seems inevitable that most people do fail.  There are many reasons that you may fail at keeping resolutions.  As discussed in yesterday’s post, it may be because the resolution that you chose is too big and seems overwhelming or it may be because the excitement has worn…
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I can’t believe it, but it’s time to say goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018!  New Year’s Eve is a night to celebrate and enjoy time with family and friends!  It is also a time for reflection on what went well and what you wish could have gone better. What I love about the New Year is that it brings a blank slate of 365 days to do new things and check off the things that have been…
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Are You Ready to Look at Resolutions Differently?

Many people set up new resolutions at the beginning of the year.  How many of you have chosen to lose weight or exercising more as your resolution?  Companies who have these products and services know this fact and show commercials non-stop in January and February for that very reason. Do you have other resolutions focused on things you want to change in your career, life or leadership?  What if you don’t think about your resolutions as something that you have…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 12/29/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: a simple test to figure out who is a true leader, looking at performance reviews n a more in depth way, leadership quotes to reflect on at the end of the year, Christmas message, sleep and energy patterns, reflect on your assumptions, making the hard choices as a leader Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos’ mentor used a simple test to figure out who is a true leader by…
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It’s Time to Reflect on Your Accomplishments

At the beginning of the year, you had plans that you may have written down, captured electronically or just had in your head.  Now that we are getting closer to the end of the year, it is the perfect time to reflect on what happened over the year.  It is a time to look at what was accomplished, the things that didn’t get accomplished and what you learned.  Going through this exercise is one of the best things that you…
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