
Don’t Let Your Perfection Take Over

Let’s be honest, being perfect isn’t worth your time. The extra time that you could take to make something perfect is most likely not going to make much of a difference. If this is you, then you spend time doing the extra work to make others happy, avoid criticism, and because you are trying to meet someone’s unrealistic expectations.   What if I gave you a permission slip on the project you are working on and said just do what is…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A 3/12/18

Client Question: “I am forever trying to control everything and I want things to be perfect.  How can I stop doing this all the time?” You may feel the need to control things when everything is going wrong around you or you are feeling really anxious inside.  It can also happen when you want things to be perfect. Trying to create the perfect set of rules to follow or not ever allowing mistakes to occur is just about impossible.  Why? …
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Your Imperfections Are What Make You Perfect

We have all grown up with the messages from our families, teachers, media, society, etc that tell us what we are “supposed” to do in our lives.  Some of these messages may include: get good grades, go to a good school, get a good job, get married, have children, save for retirement, etc.  You get the gist of the messages we have all heard and internalized over many years.  Those messages create some ideal picture of who we are supposed…
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What is the Result of Perfection on Future Generations?

Yesterday’s post focused on perfectionism and the fear of failure.  This is another perspective on how perfectionism is playing out in the younger generations today.  In this article by Thomas Curran and Andrew Hill called Perfectionism is Increasing and That’s Not Good News, studied 41,641 American, British and Canadian college students between 1989-2016 to look at perfectionism in a few different ways.  Their findings determined that “recent generations of young people are more demanding of themselves, perceive that others are more demanding of…
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Why is Everyone So Afraid to Fail?

Brene Brown who is an author and research professor found that so many people are hiding behind this mask of trying to be perfect in order to avoid failure, shame and vulnerability.  It can be scary to show the “real” you vs the one that you let them see.  This realization really struck home with her when she read this quote from Teddy Roosevelt, “When we spend our lives waiting until we’re perfect or bulletproof before we walk into the…
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Here is the Big Dilemma: Perfection or Excellence?

​Perfection is a slippery slope for a lot of people.  Whatever you do just never seems to be quite good enough.  You keep tweaking and adjusting things to make them better.  In most cases, it probably does make them better.  But does the extra time that you spend doing that work make them that much better?  This is the dilemma for those who seek out perfection.  Brene Brown breaks down what perfectionism really is. “It’s a way of thinking that…
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Heard of the Bullet Journal? Try it, it will change your life!

Over the last few months I have been trying out a bullet journal to plan my business and my life.   I had originally looked at this about a year ago on, but I never pursued using it.   In June of this year, I somehow ran across an article talking about a woman using a bullet journal in a pretty creative way.  I remembered that I had looked at it before, so I checked out her you tube videos.   Her…
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Let’s just let this perfection thing go….

I came across an article by Amanda Johnson called “The Common Misconceptions of Perfectionism.”  I totally agree with the myths of perfectionism that are highlighted in this article.   Why do we feel that we aren’t already perfect?  Why do we think that things have to be done in a certain way? I used to try to be “superwoman” by working a lot of hours, trying to do everything at home and getting very little sleep.  I was actually proud of…
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