Are You Ready to Stop Being an Imposter?

Yesterday’s blog on the Imposter Complex talked about what it is and how to look at it differently.  I thought about it a lot yesterday after I wrote it and realized that being an imposter may be me. What if you are feeling like an imposter, because you are meant to do something else in your career?  What if it is a message that means you need to look at things differently and really figure out your true purpose? Unfortunately, feeling…
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Happy Halloween!

  Halloween is a great time to dress up and be somebody else!  It is so fun to see how creative people can be when they put on a costume and get to be someone else for the day.  Some people really get into decorating their houses, having contests and big parties to celebrate Halloween.   My favorite part is seeing all the little kids come to the door in their adorable costumes trying to remember to say “Trick or Treat”…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 10/30/17

  Client Question: “I made a decision that I thought was right, but turned out to be wrong.  How do I handle this without having my team lose confidence in me?” There are many leaders who choose not to be vulnerable with their teams.  Never admitting you are wrong can cause them to lose respect for you.  Being vulnerable actually brings the team closer together and shows that you don’t have all the answers.  Part of what makes a great…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 10/27/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: defining your leadership, being a humble leader, choosing your words as a leader, finding more time, way for new leaders to show their leadership, delegating, executive presence, making change happen and leading through change Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: 4 Ways to Defme Leadership by Sammi Caramela Ways that leaders achieve success   Humble Leadership: Why Humility Matters for Managers by Karina Fabian Humility might not be the first quality that comes to mind when…
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The Challenges of Managing Organizational Change

Going through any sort of organizational change is a challenge.  How do leaders keep themselves focused on the right things?  There are many behind the scenes conversations that are taking place that they need to manage.  They are part of senior level meetings talking about the change and helping to drive the right decisions.  Depending on the leader’s level in the organization and how information is disseminated, they may be learning about the changes as decisions are finalized. Then they…
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Take the Opportunity to Make Change Happen

Are you someone who drives change or let’s change happen to you?  What would prevent you from driving change if it would make things better?  Is it fear?  Do you feel that you aren’t empowered to do it?  Have you tried in the past and failed?  It goes back to the old saying “what if you knew you couldn’t fail, would you try?” Look at the issues that are happening around you. Is there anything that you could do to…
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Do You Have the “It” Factor to Help You Get Ahead?

Have you noticed that some people just seem to progress through the organization quickly while it may take others longer?  So what do those fast movers do differently?  When they run into challenges, they figure out what isn’t working and try something different.  One of the key traits that successful people have is executive presence.  They are intentional about their career plan, ask for what they want and go make it happen.  They are driven, influential and display confidence which makes…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 10/23/17

Client Question: “When things aren’t going well with our projects, I tend to jump in and start doing things to help them.  I know that may help solve that individual challenge, but it isn’t helping the team grow and develop.  How can I stop putting myself in the middle and trust them to handle it?” This situation comes up a lot for new managers and also for managers who have not learned how to delegate effectively.  It is really easy…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 10/20/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: Leadership comes from within, creating teams with ownership, managing remote employees, making your managers a strategic priority, taking a lateral opportunity can bring positives to your career, personal brand, providing value and addressing negative leaders Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: The Hard Truth About Good Leadership by Chris Myers Leadership doesn’t come from a title or expectation; it comes from within.   5 Ways to Create an Ownership Mentality on Your Team by Joel Garfinkle Giving…
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What Can You Do to Address Negative Leadership?

What is the best way to deal with leaders who are negative?  Sometimes a simple conversation to share      observations and bring awareness can be all that is needed to address the situation.  In other cases, there is a behavior that will take some time to change.  Here is an article that highlights some ways to fix the most common situations that may occur: 14 Signs Of Negative Leadership (And How You Can Fix It) by the Forbes Coaches Council. There is…
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