How Do You Feel in the Place That You Live?

Yesterday’s post on tolerations talked about the overview of what a toleration is and how it can get in the way of you having what you want.  Today’s blog will be focused on your physical space which is one of the types of tolerations that you may experience in your life. I will give you a couple of examples of how the physical space tolerations were impacting me. I have a stove that was there when we moved into the…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/17/17

Monday Morning Leadership

​​​Today’s Question:  How can I eliminate the tolerations that I have in my life? What is a toleration?  These are the things that stress you out every day, but they haven’t caused you enough “pain” to make a change to them yet.  Here is an easy example of a toleration.  You have a messy closet that you need to clean out.  There are things in there that you aren’t wearing anymore that you should donate or throw out.  However, you…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 4/14/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!   This week’s summary includes: the story of your life, creating your leadership legacy, an easy process to follow for a one on one, what is more important than money, do you talk about solutions or problems, growing self-confidence, can you admit that you are wrong, are you demonstrating good leadership and who are being as a leader Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes “When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the…
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Who Do You Want To Be Today?

One of my favorite thought leaders on leadership is Lilly Daskal.  She posted a blog recently that was focused on the fact that “you are the leadership message.”  Here are 3 of the 9 different messages highlighted in the article that stand out for me: You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself It’s not just what happens to you that determines how far you will go; it is also how you handle what happens…
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Are You Being Careless With Your Leadership?

​I was reading this article today called If Your Employees Act Like They Don’t Care, You Might Be Doing These 11 Things Wrong by Sunny Bonnell.  The first quote in the article is: “People come for great vision and leave for poor leadership.” This is such a true statement.  I have seen people make decisions to stay in an organization because of the vision that a leader shared.  They were inspired and believed that the leader would help them reach…
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Should a Good Leader Admit to Being Wrong?

What is it about being a leader of a team or organization that makes you feel like you have to know everything?  Maybe it is part ego or that people expect leaders to make decisions and know what to do.  It took me a long time to admit that I am not perfect.  I have made many mistakes and learned some hard lessons along the way. You can’t go backwards, so you have to learn those lessons and do better…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/10/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Today’s Question:  “What are some tips to grow my self-confidence?” Self-confidence by definition is “a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.” When you are young, you automatically have this trust in yourself. You don’t even question what you can do, you just do it.  If you try to do something that you shouldn’t, your parents will step in to prevent you from being hurt.  This is where you begin to listen to others about what you should…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 4/7/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  building trust with employees, what do you do when life leadership and busyness collide, how has leadership changed you, what are you doing as a leader to continue to grow and develop, finding time to prioritize, motivational advice and a review of the top 6 leadership challenges Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes There is an opportunity every day for the hero within you to emerge and lead.  – Lolly Daskal “If Employees…
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Is It Time to Face Your Challenges?

I was reading a white paper on the Challenges Leaders Face globally.  It was created by the Center for Creative Leadership(CCL) and encompassed over 750 leaders from 7 countries globally.  These participants were all a part of the CCL Leadership Development Program.  The intent of this study was not only to identify the challenges for leaders, but also to see the differences between locations.  Each of the participants was asked to provide their top 3 challenges as part of the…
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Are You Going to Take This Motivational Advice?

I came across some of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes today.  He was an entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.  Here is a link to his inspirational story if you would like to learn more about him.  When I first heard these quotes, they definitely made me stop and think about what I was doing with my career and my life.  They have stuck with me for a long time and they definitely apply to some of the posts from this…
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