
Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 5/21/2018

Client Question “My manager keeps giving me more things to do and I already have a full plate.  How do I say no without causing me to be seen in a negative way?” The next time that your manager asks you to add something new to the list, you need to listen first.  It allows you to ask some clarifying questions on what is being delegated to you. What needs to be done? Why did you get selected to do it? What is…
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Friday Focus Video 5/18/2018 – What is Your Mindset?

  [/embedyt]                 [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”most_recent_posts” posts_num=”4″ selectable_posts=”” text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]                               [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot…
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What Do You Believe is True?

Did you know that there are different kinds of mindsets that people have?  Carol Dweck is an author and psychologist at Stanford who is known for her work on mindsets.  She defines mindsets as the “beliefs about yourself and your most basic qualities.” Examples of your qualities would be your intelligence, personality and your talents.  Are those things that stay constant or do they shift over time?  Exploring the fixed and growth mindsets might help you see where you fall…
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Now is Not the Time to Give Up

Every day we all face issues with something that doesn’t work as designed and it gets really frustrating.  In my house, if someone can’t print something or the laptop doesn’t work right, you would think the world was ending.  My family has no patience when it comes to technology.  When it doesn’t work right, they just want to quit or have me fix it. I have always pushed through when things with technology doesn’t work.  I remember wanting to add a new…
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Why Do You Care What Everyone Else Thinks?

How much of your time is spent worrying about what your management thinks of you?  Everyone wants to be seen in a positive way and that they are doing well at their job.  When things are going well, you may not think about this too much at all…after all things are good.  It becomes more challenging when you get some feedback that you did something wrong or you aren’t doing as well as you thought.  You start to watch what…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 5/14/2018

Client Question: “I want to grow as a leader, but I am not sure where to start?” How do you define this for yourself?  What does it look like when you reach it? Is it a certain level that you want to reach or to be perceived in a certain way?  Defining this for yourself is the key to determining what actions you want to take to reach that outcome.  In general, growing as a leader takes time and multiple types…
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Friday Focus Video 5/11/2018 – Meeting Dynamics

  [/embedyt]               [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3219, 3215, 3208, 3203″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]                         [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot of…
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Do You Have the Full Picture in Place?

When you move into a new group or company, you need to take the time to meet the team, learn more about them and the organization.  It is a process that is similar to putting a puzzle together.  You have a bunch of puzzle pieces on the table, but you aren’t quite sure what the full picture will look like yet.  Where do you start? Who are the subject matter experts who can teach you the information that you need? How…
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What are the Best Questions to Ask?

Creating the opportunities for your team to stand out is something that every leader should be doing more intentionally. Yesterday’s post talked about the power of a leader saying “I don’t know” to allow the team to come up with solutions. The power that the leader has when they say something drives the direction of the team and it is more powerful than many leaders realize. What if you were just thinking out loud about a situation?  What if you were just making a suggestion…
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I Don’t Know is the Right Answer!

When was the last time that you said “I don’t know” out loud?  You know you don’t know the answer, but yet, you find yourself stating your best guess or your opinion.  Why does this happen to leaders?  Why isn’t it okay to just say that you don’t know?  Leaders seem to have this internal shift that happens when they get the title.  They feel that they need to have the answers whenever anyone asks them a question, even when they have…
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