
Do You Have All The Qualifications For The Job?

What percentage of the qualifications on a job description do you need to meet in order to apply for a job?  In an article by Yvonne Chen, she shared a study from a Hewlett Packard internal report by Tara Sophia Mohr published in that shows women will only apply for a role when they meet 100% of the requirements and men will apply when they have at least 60%.  This is not an isolated circumstance that has happened at only one…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A 3/12/18

Client Question: “I am forever trying to control everything and I want things to be perfect.  How can I stop doing this all the time?” You may feel the need to control things when everything is going wrong around you or you are feeling really anxious inside.  It can also happen when you want things to be perfect. Trying to create the perfect set of rules to follow or not ever allowing mistakes to occur is just about impossible.  Why? …
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Fantastic Leadership Summary – 3/9/18

Resources to inspire you in your leadership journey!    Are you focusing on the right things? Jeff Bezos’s Secret for Making Decisions and Staying Focused by Julia Samton   18 Simple Ways to Increase Productivity and Focus at Work by Bruce Eckfeldt   5 Questions Productive People Ask Themselves to Stay Focused by Rhett Power   4 Things You Can Do Today To Help Your Focus by Jeff Pruitt My Leadership Posts from this week focused on introverts are great leaders too, self-reflection on career…
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Happy International Women’s Day! Time to Get Inspired for Change!

Happy International Women’s Day! (I had planned to publish another blog as a continuation of yesterday’s topic on career change.  Forgive me for the change, but I wanted to share a story with you about how you can make a difference for women in honor of International Women’s Day.  I will publish the other article out, but it will be coming out on Tuesday now.) As some of you know when I was at Kraft I led an employee resource…
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Are You Finding the Best Talent?

  When you have a job opening to fill, what is the first thing that you do?  I will bet you answered “write a job description” right?  It is generally the first step to filling most jobs so that the applicants will read it and decide if they should apply.  Then you need to interview a bunch of candidates to see who you think will be a good fit.  I have had a few “aha moments” the past few weeks…
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What Do You Need to Consider to Make a Career Change?

Working with clients who are going through a career transition takes a lot of reflection and time for the process to happen.  Are they trying to get a different role at their current company, a job at a new company, move to a new industry or completely change the focus of their career?  Looking at what they don’t like currently can provide some help them with a direction to go and ensure that those things are addressed with a change. Here are some common scenarios…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 3/5/18

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question:  “I am wondering if I can be a successful leader, even though I am an introvert?” You can absolutely be successful as an introvert.  Being introverted doesn’t mean that you can’t do all the same things that extroverts do, but you may do it differently. Extroverts are energized by being around people all the time and thrive on it.  Introverts on the other hand can be around people for awhile, but then they need to have some time away…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary -3/2/18

Resources to inspire you in your leadership journey!  I spoke with my daughter’s high school class this week and part of my presentation included my lessons learned.  Sharing lessons learned is a great way to help teach others and to accelerate their leadership growth.  Here is the link if you would like to view it and download a copy for yourself:  8 Lessons in Leadership to Help You Grow & Develop   My Leadership Posts from this week focused on executive presence, mindset, core leadership…
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Is It Important To Prepare When You Want To Sell Your Ideas?

Although it may seem like the right thing to do to run and share a new idea with everyone, you may want to consider being more strategic about the conversations.  This is especially true knowing that you really only have 7 seconds to make a good impression according to a Harvard Business School Study on Communications.  If you don’t make a good impression then you will need to meet with them 7 more times to reverse that initial first impression! …
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Do You Know How to Be an Effective Leader Quickly?

Do all leaders have the same traits?  In my experience, the answer to that question is no.  Everyone has their own natural style and personality that comes into play as a leader.  They also have different motivations, unique strengths and experiences that make them who they are.  They use their own experiences, values and what they have learned to shape their own leadership definition and behaviors.  Although leaders don’t all have the same traits, there are still some traits that most good…
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