
Is There Really a Lack of Leadership?

There have been a lot of articles that talk about the lack of leadership.  It is probably true to some extent, but I sincerely hope that the numbers are lower than the high percentages that are called out in the research.  If that is true, then there is a long way to go to turn the ship around.  There are definitely competencies that help you measure leadership, but that can differ by manager or company viewpoints.  Leadership has so many…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 12/18/17

Client Question: “I have been asked to put together a business case for a new project we are doing.   We have a clear business outcome that we want, but since we haven’t done something like this before, it is a little ambiguous as to how to show a return on investment.  Dealing with ambiguity has been a struggle for me in the past.  How can I do better with ambiguity so I can put this business case together?” Any time…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 12/15/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  Leadership habits, turning failure into success, being a fantastic listener, elevating your LinkedIn profile, getting more done, giving feedback, being successful with your style, gearing up for success, learning from a self-made millionaire, 2017 leadership and personal development book recommendations Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  Employees Trust Bosses Who Display Any of These 5 Successful Leadership Habits by Marcel Schwantes Countless studies have confirmed that trust is the one human behavior you…
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My 2017 Leadership & Personal Development Book Recommendations

Are you a big book reader?  Always looking for the next recommendation of what to read?  I am a person who loves to learn new things, so I read a lot to help me gain new perspective and insight.  I have found that I can also “listen” to a lot of books while working out or in the car. I read (or listened to) some great books this year, so I am sharing them with you.  I am also including…
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What Will You Do to Make a Difference?

I attended a Leadership Conference this past summer and one of the speakers was Marcus Lemonis.  I had not heard of him before, but he took the time to share a lot about his personal story which has really driven the purpose in his life.  He is now a self-made multi-millionaire who is the CEO of Camping World, Good Sam Enterprises and Gander Outdoors to name just a few.   He also has his own TV show on CNBC called “The…
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Are You Ready to Gear Up for the Success That You Want?

Today’s guest contributor post is by Mona Reiser.  Mona is a former Customer Service and Supply Chain Executive who resides in Atlanta.  She now helps other businesses to be set up for success and will be getting her real estate license soon. Though it’s not wise to measure your progress by someone else’s standards, it’s also the way the world works, more or less, in the practical order of things.  Think about what they’ll be judging, and gear up for…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 12/11/17

Client question:  “I feel like my management wants me to be just like them.  Their style is very different compared to mine.  Can I still be effective and not have to change?” The style that you have is naturally who you are and you should be confident in that.  Leadership is about having a diversity of styles to complement each other which makes for a stronger team.  You may approach things from different perspectives and styles of communication.  You may…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 12/8/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  Take your leadership to the next level, how to think differently for success, leader’s challenge others to be great, leveraging emotional intelligence and vulnerability, engaging your team, resources, examples and approaches to self-promotion for you and your team Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  10 Seconds to Take Your Leadership from Good to Great by Lolly Daskal Don’t you have 10 seconds to try these ways to take you leadership to the next level?  …
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Don’t You Know That Self-Promotion is What You Need to Do?

Two of my most recent posts talked about how to promote yourself and your team.  If you haven’t read them yet, then you can catch up on them now!  As promised in those posts, I wanted to share some tried and true approaches to do self-promotion for you and your team in ways that do not come across as bragging.   Even though you are doing great work, you boss may not see everything since they are busy doing their own…
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Do You Need to Promote Yourself and Your Team?

Yesterday’s post on Self-Promotion drove some interesting feedback.  Some people shared their ideas on what they are doing or have done for self-promotion.  I will be sharing some of those additional ideas on how you can self-promote in tomorrow’s blog.  Others said they they don’t self-promote at all unless it is for their team.    I would like to address this situation in today’s blog because this happened to me. At one point in my career, I was given the feedback…
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