
5 Ways to Create More Time in Your Day and Your Life

During this week of Thanksgiving here in the US, many people will be driving or flying to visit family.  It is an opportunity to take a few days off and recharge your batteries.  Looking back over the year, how have you been spending your time?  Are you spending your time on the most valuable things?  Are you doing things that make you happy?  Are you spending all of your time on work and not taking time for yourself, family and…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 11/20/17

Client Question: “I am hitting a brick wall on this project that I am working on.  I don’t know how to move forward on it and solve this issue.  What should I do?” Since you have tried to solve it yourself without success, my first question would be “have you asked for help from someone else?”   Asking for help is one of the most challenging things for people to do for some reason.  Why do we all feel that we…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 11/17/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: Using persuasion to sell ideas, doing self-reflection, you can’t stand by as a leader, being self-aware, preparing for a career conversation, how failing can help you, prioritizing better, creating a culture of trust, comparison is a good thing to do, leading from where you are Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Four Tips to Persuade Others Your Idea Is a Winner by Loran Nordgren Want to shake up the status quo? Use psychology to…
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It’s Time to Seize the Leadership Opportunities!

What does it take for someone to lead? Is it just something that they jump in and do or do they have to be asked?  Senior leaders are looking for those individual contributors that jump in and start leading regardless of their title or role.   Those are the people who stand out and are seen as having potential to do more and progress up the ladder.  You want future leaders who take the initiative to learn, grow, solve problems and…
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What if You See Comparison as a Good Thing?

Let’s face it we live in a world of comparison.  We compare the kind of car that we drive, where we live, type of career we have, etc.  We try not do it, but it is one of those judgments that we pass before we even realize it.  It becomes especially challenging in your career as you compare yourself against others in your workplace.  You look at your peers or management to try to figure out what they are doing…
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Are You Ready to Create a Culture of Trust?

Have you been on a team that had huge success, accomplished great things and had fun doing it?  What made it different than any other team?  One of the biggest reasons that a team will have success or failure comes down to trust.   When the leader takes the time to build affinity with the team and understand who they are, the trust begins to grow.  This isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen overnight.  Being consistent with actions and words will…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q & A – 11/13/17

  Client Question: “I am a new leader and I have so many things on my to do list that I don’t even know where to begin.  How can I prioritize better?” This is a common challenge that many leaders are facing today.  You have more work to do and there are less people to get it done.  Let’s start with your to do list.  It is great that you have one so that you don’t forget anything. What if…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 11/10/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: Finding more time in your day, leadership presence, building trust, succession planning, would you choose a better boss or more money, who are you spending your time with, changing perceptions, making big decisions, learning leadership lessons every day, don’t put off what you want to accomplish Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: 7 Simple Techniques to Cut Your Workday in Half by Lolly Daskal Learn how to thrive with a demanding schedule and make…
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Are You Ready to Take a Risk?

Have you ever made a really big decision and then instantly regretted it?  I think we all have at one time or another.  Most of the time it happens when you are buying something that costs a lot of money and you are trying to justify the purchase to yourself.  It can also happen when you are making a career move.  Should you take this new role with a lot more responsibility or stay where you are comfortable?   Do you…
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It’s Time to Change the Way You Think About Someday!

Do you have a bucket list of things that you want to do someday?  Your bucket list may be written down so you can see it every day or it may just be a mental list that you keep in your head.  Some people may have a large list of items to accomplish while others may only have only a few.   When there are so many things going on, that list is sitting there waiting to be checked off.  It…
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