Are You Having the Success You Want Right Now?

​Are you moving forward on the things that you want to accomplish each day or are you just trying to get through the day?   If you are in a role that doesn’t engage or inspire you, then you are probably “just phoning it in” or said another way doing the very minimum.   What if you approached your current role in a different way instead?

Sometimes we get stuck seeing things in a certain way.  We tell ourselves a story that says ” I can’t change this, so I just have to live with it now.”  Is that a true story?  Is there really nothing different that could be done if you think outside the box a bit?   Can you see any positives about the situation that would help you to change your attitude about it.  Remember the way that you think about things drives your behavior.  Take a look at this article titled  7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People by Gavin Sequeira.  He lists out the habits of people who want to see success in their lives.  Why not learn from other people who have done it already?

You can’t always control the situations around you, but you can control your reactions to them.   Find the internal motivation to get engaged.  Look for the positives and put together solutions to fix the negatives.  When you change how you think and act, it changes how you see things and in turn how others see you.

Take the challenge to implement at least one of these habits on the list starting tomorrow.  Build an intention to try it for a few weeks.  Do you see things differently, are you getting feedback that you are acting differently and that you accomplished more?  Once you have mastered one of the habits, then add in another.  I think this is a good opportunity to see if we can get everyone on the list to take this challenge.  I will be sending you out a survey in a few weeks to see how you are doing!

Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? The new Powerful Leadership Coaching Program can help you do that! This 6 week program will be focusing on executive presence, influence, strategic thinking and so much more. This class will be kicking off in mid-September! Send me a note if you are interested in learning more about the program!

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