Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 3/5/18

Client Question:  “I am wondering if I can be a successful leader, even though I am an introvert?”

You can absolutely be successful as an introvert.  Being introverted doesn’t mean that you can’t do all the same things that extroverts do, but you may do it differently. Extroverts are energized by being around people all the time and thrive on it.  Introverts on the other hand can be around people for awhile, but then they need to have some time away from people to re-energize.

Unfortunately there seems to be an assumption that introverted leaders aren’t as strong as extroverted leaders.  Don’t let that assumption become your reality.  Introverted leaders have different strengths, but that does not mean that they aren’t as strong or effective.  In general, introverts are stronger listeners, more empathetic and introspective.  They may not the loudest one in the room, but they can still get their point across when they do speak.

To ensure your success you may need to do some things differently as an introvert.  Ensure that you have built some boundaries in your schedule to have down time between meetings if you can.  Use your one on ones to leverage your listening skills with people to build relationship, exert your influence and share ideas.  Create some notes on what you want to say if it helps you feel more confident in front of a large group that could overshadow you.  Be proud of who you are and the strengths that you bring to the table.  An introvert and an extrovert could team up together and their strengths would be very complementary to each other.  They may come at the work in alternative ways, but they can still reach the finish line together.  Each style offers different perspectives, experiences and ways of getting things done.  Neither of them should be viewed as better than the other.  They are just different styles and both can have leadership success.

If you are looking for ideas on how to gain visibility as an introvert, check out this free resource called Top 10 Ways for Leaders to Get More Visibility 

Are you working on building more visibility into your leadership?  The power of a mastermind is there to help you move forward with the help and support of a group.  Would you like to hear more about the Powerful Leadership Mastermind group that is just getting started?  We have a few spots left for the group which meets every other week on Tuesday mornings.  

The group is led by me and my partner (and cousin) Kim who are both ICF Certified Coaches.  We are offering an introductory rate to join and we are looking for people who are motivated to make a change in their personal or professional lives.  If you would like to learn more about it and join the group you can click on this link: Powerful Leadership Mastermind or reach out to me.

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