Are You Ready to Become a Bigger Leader Today?

One day I walked into the office and found out that my manager had been seriously injured. We found out that he was okay, but his recovery would require months out of the office. When my manager’s boss told me this news he offered his support, but in the next breath said he would have minimal time, as he was working on a global program and would be traveling a lot. I knew that meant I was on my own. 

Each day there are challenges that leaders must face and some are more challenging than others.

This was an unforeseen moment that forced me to become a bigger leader than I was when I walked into the office that morning. Was I ready for this? There was no choice but to be ready and rely on the help of others when I needed it. 

Hopefully this same situation won’t ever happen to you, but what would you do if something similar occurred?

Would you be ready to lead your team, make all the decisions, and show up in a bigger way? These are the leadership moments that push you out of your comfort zone and allow you to show the capabilities that you have. You have to do more than you thought was possible because there are no other options.

What if you could become that leader now without having something bad happen? You can start playing bigger today. You don’t need to wait for a crisis. What if you played bigger and didn’t seek permission anymore, but took actions that you know need to be done? How do you think you would see yourself in that moment? How would others see you?

I love helping people see themselves in a bigger way. Helping them see the possibilities that are there for them if they just take the action to make it happen. Think about what you could do today to become a bigger leader. Take one action that you know could make a difference in how others see you.

If you need ideas, reach out to me! Let’s create a new way for you to see your leadership so you can begin to step into it right now!

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