Merry Christmas!

Today will not be the usual Q&A post. It will resume again next week. Christmas has finally arrived, presents are wrapped, families are starting to get together and Santa has delivered the gifts.  No matter how old you are there is still just something so magical about the holidays! Take the time to let people know that you care about them by spending time with them, sending them a card or surprising them with a gift.   Doing things that are…
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What Kind of Leader Do You Want to Be?

I had a couple of experiences with some online companies this morning that made me think about giving feedback.  Do you give feedback when a store, restaurant or online website does something that you don’t like or do you let it go?  Do you only say something when you get overcharged or you were charged without your consent?  It made me wonder how often people actually say anything at all.  If these companies don’t know about the issues, how can…
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What Are The Best Sleep and Energy Patterns to Follow?

Hope Santa was good to all of you celebrating Christmas over the past few days!  The holidays are such a whirlwind of visiting with family, eating lots of good food and opening gifts! When you need to buy and wrap last minute gifts or have lots of cooking to do, you just focus on getting it all done which means sacrificing sleep to do it.  To get it all done, you may be running on adrenaline and not even realize it. …
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 12/22/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  list of Podcasts on leadership, creating leaders, going from dreamer to achiever, CEO leadership secrets, beating procrastination, dealing with ambiguity, is there a lack of leadership, the importance of listening, handling disappointment Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  100 Podcasts That Will Make You Smarter, Better and Wiser by Lolly Daskal Listen to these 100 podcasts and you will become wiser, smarter, and better at business and life.   When we tell people to do…
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Will You Be Open to a Better “Yes” When You Get a “No?”

What do you do when you face disappointment?  Do you blame others or yourself for what happened?  It may depend on the situation and whether or not you think you could have done something different to prevent it.  Disappointment is something that we have all faced at one time or another and it can be really demotivating.  You may start doubting yourself, your abilities and then you may become disengaged. I recently faced a situation that was disappointing and I was…
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Is Listening to Someone Else Really That Important?

Have you ever been in a conversation and the other person is looking at their phone, looking around and focusing on anything but you?  How did that make you feel?  Frustrated, irritated and unimportant might be some words that you would use to describe the feeling.  Listening to someone can make or break a relationship. When I was in college and one of my roommates had an issue they would come to me to talk it through.  They always said…
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Is There Really a Lack of Leadership?

There have been a lot of articles that talk about the lack of leadership.  It is probably true to some extent, but I sincerely hope that the numbers are lower than the high percentages that are called out in the research.  If that is true, then there is a long way to go to turn the ship around.  There are definitely competencies that help you measure leadership, but that can differ by manager or company viewpoints.  Leadership has so many…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 12/18/17

Client Question: “I have been asked to put together a business case for a new project we are doing.   We have a clear business outcome that we want, but since we haven’t done something like this before, it is a little ambiguous as to how to show a return on investment.  Dealing with ambiguity has been a struggle for me in the past.  How can I do better with ambiguity so I can put this business case together?” Any time…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 12/15/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes:  Leadership habits, turning failure into success, being a fantastic listener, elevating your LinkedIn profile, getting more done, giving feedback, being successful with your style, gearing up for success, learning from a self-made millionaire, 2017 leadership and personal development book recommendations Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:  Employees Trust Bosses Who Display Any of These 5 Successful Leadership Habits by Marcel Schwantes Countless studies have confirmed that trust is the one human behavior you…
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My 2017 Leadership & Personal Development Book Recommendations

Are you a big book reader?  Always looking for the next recommendation of what to read?  I am a person who loves to learn new things, so I read a lot to help me gain new perspective and insight.  I have found that I can also “listen” to a lot of books while working out or in the car. I read (or listened to) some great books this year, so I am sharing them with you.  I am also including…
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