
Try This Approach to Help You Make a Big Decision

One of the things that can happen when you are considering a really big decision is that you feel very indecisive. For example, if you are looking at a new job opportunity, it is a big decision because there are so many things that can be impacted. It could impact your family, your financial stability, and whether or not it’s going to be enough money for you, is it the right career move, do you have to go to a…
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Are You Ready to Change Your Belief In Yourself?

People hold themselves back because they fear the unknown. They are afraid to fail and worry that they make look bad in front of others. So they do nothing. Unfortunately, that keeps them right where they are and stuck with no idea how to move ahead and succeed.  When a client is in fear, I will ask them what types of things they are saying to themselves. Some common responses are: Will I be able to do this new role?…
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Choose the Way That You Want to Show Up

I talked to a leader that has been at his company for a while, but was recently promoted into a much larger role. He called me to talk through a situation that had identified a process gap because a key person who normally participates in the process was out. Others tried to step in to do it instead, but it ended up creating more issues and the work ultimately had to be done again.  The leader was frustrated that this situation…
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Advocate For Yourself in a Better and More Visible Way

I was coaching with a leader this morning who was working on how to best prioritize her work. Many people depend on what she does, but she didn’t think that she could say no to anyone. We talked about how to take the time to ask questions of the person who has a request before she immediately responded with a yes.  Why is this important? When you immediately say yes to every request then you can’t get your own work…
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Are You Ready to Become a Bigger Leader Today?

One day I walked into the office and found out that my manager had been seriously injured. We found out that he was okay, but his recovery would require months out of the office. When my manager’s boss told me this news he offered his support, but in the next breath said he would have minimal time, as he was working on a global program and would be traveling a lot. I knew that meant I was on my own. …
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Are You Creating The Life and Career That You Want?

create the life you want

Leadership doesn’t come naturally for everyone. What is fascinating though is that it isn’t because they aren’t good leaders. It is because they don’t believe that they are good leaders. The critic in their heads can get in the way and it tells them that they aren’t good enough.  This happened to me and now I can see how so many other leaders do the same thing and hold themselves back. Everyone around them can see how great they are doing, but…
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The Visibility Factor Book Has Launched Today!

Publishing a book seemed like a dream to me five years ago. I didn’t know the first thing at that point about how to write a book or how to publish it. I had the good fortune to be introduced to AJ Harper and Laura Stone in the Top 3 Book Workshop and as they the rest is history! The community that AJ has built and the process that she takes you through is exactly what all would-be authors need for success.  The Visibility Factor would not exist…
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My Top Three Lessons of Becoming More Visible

Launching a book requires visibility. I thought I would share my top three observations and lessons with you from the last month, I hope they help you think about your own visibility in a new way.  1. When you share information on social media about what you are doing, people actually get to see what you are doing! It isn’t bragging. In two of my posts, I shared that I spoke at two women’s groups. I talked about the groups that I…
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What Does It Take To Be Visible?

I have been reflecting on what it takes to be more visible. How have I become comfortable with being uncomfortable? There isn’t one thing that I can point to that helped me the most. I know that it began with the intentional way that I showed up in person and on social media, even when no one was watching. I was vulnerable and shared my stories. I connected with people who had similar experiences and helped them see what possibilities they…
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It’s Time For You To Play to Win!

Leaders who take on a higher role don’t always recognize that they need to show up differently and in a bigger way. It wasn’t something that I realized until a mentor gave me feedback. So what does it take to change who you are and become bigger in your role? This is the time for you to play to win, not play to lose.  The first step is to be aware of how you show up currently. Ask for feedback…
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