
Managerial Alignment Makes All The Difference For Your Success

I have had several conversations this week on the importance of aligning with managers and stakeholders. It seems like common sense, but in the day to day of getting stuff done, it is something that may be forgotten. When I ask them about it, they usually think that their manager “probably” knows what they are doing, but they aren’t sure. It is important to always consider whether you have done it or need to do it. This is a type…
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Making a Big Impact on Your Team

Have you stopped to consider what type of impact you are making as a leader? There may be big things that you have done to support a team member or on a project, but most of the time it is how you show up in the little moments that count. These are the moments that team members remember forever.  Here are some ways that leaders show up that make a difference:  There are hundreds of examples that I could have…
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Six Strategies to Leverage for a Successful Visibility Partnership

There are so many ways to create visibility for yourself, but what if you have a colleague who also wants more visibility? Then you might want to choose the visibility partnership approach! This partnership is created when you and your colleague find opportunities to share wins, results, and accomplishments about each other with key stakeholders, decision makers, influencers, and with your online network. Both of the people in the partnership advocate for the other to gain visibility. Of course, it…
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How to Build Self-Trust as a Leader

I was just reading an article from the co-founder of Netflix, Marc Randolph, about the 25 year anniversary of the company. He shared that “they simply believed that there “had to be a better way” to rent movies but along the way, we ended up not just changing the way the world consumes content, but how that content is created.” He also mentioned that every single person told him in the beginning that what he wanted to create with Netflix “would never…
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How Can You Positively Influence Someone?

  Let me share a story that I recently heard. Gloria was in the grocery store line and had six cans of beans in her cart. She put her six cans on the conveyor belt. Suddenly, the cashier stopped her. He said, there is a limit on the beans. You can only buy four cans of beans, so you have to put two of them back. The woman didn’t know that there was a limit of only four cans per person in…
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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is traditionally thought of as the day for love and relationships.  Since this is a blog about personal development and leadership, I will leave your love life to you to work on and we will talk about relationships from a different perspective. Most people would say that they don’t have the time to connect with others in their network.  Let’s make today the day to change that for you and commit to building some new relationships. Here are some…
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Are You Prepared to Share Your Story?

​I was at a chamber of commerce event last night with over 70 booths and lots of attendees.   Many people came by our booth and chatted with us about coaching, our new program we are launching and having assessments done.  Having chocolate is never a bad thing, so a big container of Hershey’s miniature chocolates on our table was also a big draw.   I met people who were already helping people in their businesses, some who were looking to learn…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 7/21/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: questions to improve your success, websites to make you smarter, build a better culture, focus on building relationships, high performance, selling your ideas, seeing things from a different perspective, doing an assessment to learn more about yourself, how are you spending your time   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: 3 Powerful Questions Which Will Increase Your Chances of Success by Debbie Peck  Powerful questions can change your state and catapult…
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Are You Curious to Learn More About Yourself?

​I recently became certified in the DISC, Motivators and Hogan Assessments.  I have always liked doing assessments and have done many different ones throughout my career.  There are some slight variations that you may see if you take an assessment multiple times which can happen when you are at different career stages.  For the most part it has just helped me really get to know my natural tendencies even more.  These can be helpful as you are looking at how…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 7/17/17

  Client Question: “I keep sharing new ideas with my boss.  He listens to me, but always tells me why they won’t work.  What should I do differently?” Everyone wants to be heard and acknowledged for their ideas.  It is important as a leader to truly have an interactive conversation with your team members when they share their ideas.  They are putting themselves out there to share something and as a leader  you need to acknowledge and have a discussion. …
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