Aren’t YOU Worth the Investment?

Part of my role as a coach is to help people see themselves in a new way.  To ask them questions and help them think about what is possible.  Allow them to imagine how they would be if they had already reached the goals that they have.  They may only think about the reasons why they can’t achieve those goals because they have blind spots, self-limiting beliefs or behaviors that are holding them back.  My role is to help them see that these things are preventing them from reaching their goals.
There are still many people that I meet who do not know what an executive coach does or why they need one.  Let’s just get this out into the open: “Everyone Needs a Coach!”  No one thinks twice about it for sports teams and they have dozens of coaches on each team with specific specialties in some cases. Why would you not consider leveraging a coach to help you improve, get motivated and increase your results?
For some it may be the unknown of never meeting with a coach before.  Think of it as a safe space to talk about things that you may not be able to talk about with others at work.  You can also think through things that you are struggling with, that you don’t know how to do or that you want to do in the future.  The process includes asking you questions that challenge you, helping you think about things you had not considered, holding you accountable and ensuring that you have an action plan to work on until the next session.  It is all about helping you get from where you are and moving you forward to where you want to go.
For others it is the financial aspect of paying for something for yourself.  Are you not worth the investment?  The return on investment of eliminating challenges or conflicts, moving forward on your goals and getting results is worth way more than you may have considered.  Imagine if this experience helped you be a better leader, spouse, friend, parent, volunteer or co-worker?
Coaching has the power to change your thinking and therefore it impacts your behavior and how others see you. A coach is there to help motivate you when you are stuck, to be your biggest cheerleader when you do great things and to keep you moving forward.  Don’t just settle for the status quo. Value yourself enough to spend the time becoming who you could be and achieving your potential.

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