
Were You Taught To Be Perfect Or Brave?

I saw this Ted Talk about how we’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave, from Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code. It received over 4 million views. I am sharing the link with you here in case you haven’t seen it yet. One example in the video is from a hiring study that Hewlett-Packard did on the likelihood of a woman or man applying for a role. Men will apply…
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Is It Worth It To Be Perfect?

There are usually two kinds of thinking when it comes to perfection. There are those who will work at things until they feel that everything is perfect while others are willing to say that it is “good enough.” What determines that thought process for people? It may be how they have always done things and perfection was expected of them. It could also be tied to what they are working on and whether perfection is needed. There are times when…
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Who Wants To Be Perfect Anyway?

When people ask you how you are doing, what is your response? My go to response used to be “I am so busy! I just can’t seem to get off this merry go round that I am on.” Yes, I was busy and yes I was overwhelmed, but I made it sound like everyone else was causing me to be busy. I didn’t realize at the time that I was doing this to myself. It wasn’t until I stopped and…
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Friday Focus Video 7/27/2018 – Being Present

  Happy Friday! Take the time to intentionally be present with someone that you are talking to by turning your phone off and putting it away.  Have a great weekend!   [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3603, 3598, 3592, 3588″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]   [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are…
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What Choice Will You Make For A Better Life?

Do you ever think….if I could just get that promotion or lose weight or have more money in the bank, then things in my life will be great. You may be telling yourself that having those things would make everything right in your world and then you can be happy. Accomplishing those things takes a lot of work. As much as everyone wishes they could make them happen immediately, they can take months or years before you accomplish the goal….
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When Is The Last Time You Broke A Promise?

If someone asks you for something and you promise that you will do it, do you follow through on that promise? My guess is that a high percentage of people would answer yes to that question. We all grow up hearing from our parents and teachers that if we make a promise to someone, we shouldn’t break it. We will do what needs to be done to ensure we don’t break the promise. When we give people our word that…
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Why Do You Have To Ask For Permission?

When is the last time you asked for permission for something? You would probably have to go back to being in grade school or high school, right? Once you get into the workplace, there is an expectation that you stop asking for permission and you do what needs to be done. There is even a saying that says “ask for forgiveness, instead of permission.” This means that you should take risks and try things without asking someone and having them…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q & A – 7/23/18

Client Question: “I received some feedback that I should consider taking a different role. How do I decide what to do? First of all feedback is a gift. You get to decide if you want to do something with it or not. The first thing you should do is sit with the feedback and see if it still rings true for you a few days later. You don’t want to do something impulsive and then have any regrets. For your…
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Friday Focus Video 7/20/2018 – Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

  [/embedyt]  Happy Friday! Are you making yourself a priority or are you putting the needs of others ahead of your own? Have a great weekend! [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3577, 3562, 3551, 3545″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]             [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are…
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Why Are You Afraid to Ask for Help?

Today’s blog is by guest contributor Mona Reiser. She is a retired supply chain professional with 25 years at Kraft Foods. She has led teams in managing/directing warehouse operations, warehouse start-ups, transportation and customer service. She is an entrepreneur in her second career and one of my favorite people. You can reach her at Here is an interesting static from a study by researchers at Cornell and Stanford: people tend to underestimate, by as much as 50%, how willing…
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