
Are You Focused on the Right Things?

When is the last time you reviewed the work that you are doing? I have spent time with a few different people this week on the work that they are doing in their groups and exploring if they could accomplish it in a new way. The conversation usually starts with a few questions like, “where are you overloaded or what are you or your team saying yes to instead of saying no?” They can usually come up with a list…
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Do This to Prepare for Your Next Role

I know you think your manager knows what you are doing, but you need to know the truth, they don’t. They are in as many meetings as you are and don’t have the visibility to all of the things that you are doing. They can’t possibly stay completely up to date with the latest status of your projects and your team unless you tell them.  You may want to ask them how they would like to stay updated. You can…
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What Are You Doing With Your Vacation Time?

Many people are taking time off at this time of year so they can be with family and friends and recharge during the holidays. How many are actually not working though? Does it feel like you still have to check in even though you are on vacation? The point of the recharge time is to give yourself space to be away from it and not focus on work. One of my friends felt like the one way she could get…
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Why Are Leaders Afraid to Delegate?

Delegating to team members is a challenge for any manager whether they are brand new or have been leading teams for years. It requires a shift in mindset on the best way way to get the work done through others and not do it themselves.  I was talking with a client this morning. He shared that he had too many meetings on his calendar and had no time to plan or be strategic. We talked about the work he has, the…
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Look for New Ways To Show Value

Renee worked hard and loved to be the one who had all the answers. She prided herself on her subject matter expertise and it made her feel important that she had the information that others needed. As Renee discussed her career goals with her manager, he mentioned a new project he wanted to her to lead. He asked her if she had documented all the processes and procedures in her area so that there would be a good handoff should…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 2/19/18

Client Question:  “I am really struggling to let go of things and delegate enough to my team.  What can I do to improve my delegation skills?” By far this is one of the most challenging things to do when you are leading a team.  It relies on you to trust your team to do what you are asking them to deliver.  The reason that this may be a challenge is that you already know how to do these things and…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 6/19/17

Monday Morning Leadership

  Client Question: “I have been a leader of a team for about 6 months.  I feel like I am doing okay at it, but I know I am still acting like a doer instead of a leader.  What should I be doing differently?” You are not alone in struggling with this transition.  It happened to me and to many others who have taken the leadership path.  You jump right in and start doing things just like you always have. …
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Do You Know When It Is Time To Ask For Help?

                When I started working many years ago, I showed initiative, solved problems and got things done.  I was rewarded for it, so I continued to work a lot of hours and do those same things throughout my career.  When I started to lead a team, I should have realized that my job had changed and I needed to do things differently. This happens to a lot of new leaders, but even to…
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Are You Ready For The Hard Truth?

It is a huge challenge to juggle everything that needs to be completed between work and home. Our to-do lists continue to grow, no matter how many things are crossed off. This creates that feeling of being overwhelmed. Being able to create boundaries in your life can help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and allow you to take back the decisions about where you spend your time. Here is some advice that I received in my career to help…
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Don’t Know What To Do? Follow This Advice!

Have you been in a situation at work that you are unsure of what to do?  I am sure that this has happened to you in your career at some point along the way.  It is a vulnerable place to be as a leader feeling like you should have all the answers.  Although you are in the leadership role for what you know and what you can get done, it is just not possible for you to know everything.   I…
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