
Communicating with Impact

Have you ever shared a situation or story with someone and you can tell by their response, that they have no idea what you said because they weren’t listening to you? We have all experienced this at one time or another, but why does it happen? Did they not find the topic interesting, were they thinking about something else, or maybe they were distracted? Any of those may be true, but something else to be aware of is that when…
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Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities?

Are you letting opportunities pass you by? In every organization, there are processes that are inefficient, people who need training, frustrations about workload, and problems that need to be solved. These are just a few examples and there are many more that exist in a company.   How come no one is trying to solve them? The list of reasons usually sounds like this: lack of time, may not have the skills or expertise, don’t view it as part of their…
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It’s Time to Share Your Story!

What are the top experiences that you have had in your career? Think of some project or team that you were a part of that made a huge impact on you. That experience helped you gain knowledge, learn a lesson, grow as a leader, bond as a team, or perhaps you made the impossible, possible. So are you going to keep that all to yourself or are you going to share what you learned?  Every person that I work with…
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Look for New Ways To Show Value

Renee worked hard and loved to be the one who had all the answers. She prided herself on her subject matter expertise and it made her feel important that she had the information that others needed. As Renee discussed her career goals with her manager, he mentioned a new project he wanted to her to lead. He asked her if she had documented all the processes and procedures in her area so that there would be a good handoff should…
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Here is What You Need to Get Where You Want in your Career!

Imagine that you are working really hard at your job.  You are having successes and in your mind you think “this is it!  I am going to get promoted for all this great work I have done!”  But nothing happens.  No one comes to you offering a promotion.  Your boss doesn’t mention anything either.  You see other people getting promoted, so now you wonder what is the secret to making this happen? Here is the secret.  Your performance while great,…
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Don’t You Know That Self-Promotion is What You Need to Do?

Two of my most recent posts talked about how to promote yourself and your team.  If you haven’t read them yet, then you can catch up on them now!  As promised in those posts, I wanted to share some tried and true approaches to do self-promotion for you and your team in ways that do not come across as bragging.   Even though you are doing great work, you boss may not see everything since they are busy doing their own…
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Are You Ready to Be Great at Self-Promotion?

A topic that comes up with my clients time and time again is self-promotion.  Both men and women struggle with it. They see it as bragging, so they hesitate to do it.  If this sounds like you, then you need to shift your mindset when it comes to self-promotion.  To set yourself apart and get noticed you need to do things that are different.  You are doing great things and have good ideas, but no one will ever know that…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 3/6/17

Monday Morning Leadership

  ​Today’s Question:   “My manager told me that I need to be more visible in our organization.  I don’t like to brag about myself, so how do I change that perception?” In your mind, you are doing your job every day and your manager knows what you are doing, so why do you need more visibility?   Unfortunately, you may be doing great things, but not everyone else in the organization knows about them.  Being visible means that your leadership is…
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Do you have what it takes to be visible?

I was listening to a podcast today that was talking about ways to get visibility as a leader.  It was very interesting to hear the guest speaker on the podcast truly practicing what he was preaching.   He was sharing helpful strategies for leaders to get more visibility and build connections.  At the same time, he was working into the conversation what he has done himself and how he connected with influential people to make it happen.  Visibility and self-promotion go…
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Coaching: What is it and why should I do it?

I recently sent out a survey to do some research on challenges that leaders have so I could build some coaching programs. Some of the responses included some questions about coaching and how it works. I thought it might be helpful to answer those questions here in this post. What is coaching? The International Coaching Federation who is the governing body of certification for coaches defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them…
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