Plan Your Best Year Yet: Easy Steps Inside! 🌟

Hope you are having the best holiday week! Did you find some opportunities to laugh through the moments that didn’t go just as expected? Believe me I had some of my own, but on the whole this year felt different for me. I delegated to everyone in the house to help and played to their strengths on the things that they are good at and enjoy doing! It was much more fun for everyone. In a few days it will…
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Authenticity in Leadership: Why Being True to Yourself Matters

Are you being an authentic leader? When you are leading from an authentic place, people will naturally gravitate to you. They want to work with you or work for you and be on your team. They trust you and see that you are genuine. This type of leadership translates to sharing information with each other at a deeper level.  Finding ways to connect with each other beyond a superficial level brings a team closer together and increases their performance to phenomenally higher rates. They…
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What Choice Will You Make?

You may not consciously think about it, but you have choices that you making every day. Taking the opportunity to consider how you respond is important. How you respond to things creates a perception about you to others. Imagine this scenario happens to you… Your wake up to your alarm going off and as you turn it off on your phone, you notice a bunch of new texts. The phone was on do not disturb, so you didn’t get notified….
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Believe in Yourself to Achieve Success 🌟

Are you ready for the next step in your career? How do you know? Assess yourself in the following areas and determine if you have what is needed to achieve success: Capabilities Skills Experiences Knowledge Mindset Leaders who want to move up in their career tend to look at the top four areas on this list, but may not consider the last one. Do they have the right mindset in place to achieve the success that they want? We have…
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Networking Unlocks New Opportunities

Does the word networking have a negative connotation for you?  For me, it triggered me a bit. It was like that uncomfortable feeling on the first day of school. Do you remember that moment? You walk into the classroom, without knowing anyone yet and you must find ways to make friends. I don’t know if it was any easier back then, but we all figured it out somehow. Networking from a place of scarcity. Connecting with new people was still…
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Three Things That Leaders Need to Focus on Each Week

I met with a Director about the results of a leadership assessment that she recently completed which included direct feedback from her peers, direct reports and management. In that conversation, we also talked about the feedback that her manager had shared with her… she wasn’t communicating or acting like a Director. She was obviously concerned about the feedback and couldn’t understand what she needed to do differently. We talked about what she was focused on and she shared some of…
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Your Imperfections Are What Make You Perfect

We have all grown up with programming and messages from our families, teachers, media, society, culture, etc. that tell us what we are “supposed” to do in our lives. Some of these messages may include: get good grades, go to a good school, get a good job, get married, have children, save for retirement, follow the rules, don’t talk back, respect your elders, etc. You get the gist of the messages that we have all heard and internalized over many years. Those messages…
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Are You Ready For a Transformation?

I was watching a video by Dr. Benjamin Hardy, who is the author of many books including the one that I am reading now called 10x is Easier Than 2x. His book, that he co-authored with Dan Sullivan, is focused on ways to achieve more by doing less. In the video, he discussed some of the concepts from the book, he shared that, “courage is the starting point of all transformation.” If I look back on my own transformations throughout my career, that…
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How to Master Project and Program Visibility

If you have been following me for any of amount of time, you know that getting visibility for you and your team is important. However, there is also an opportunity for you to consider creating visibility for projects and programs too. Let me share an example: A client of mine shared the details of a discussion that he had with an executive leader about a project that would be kicking off soon. My client intended to walk through the proposed…
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Leading Through Uncertainty: Strategies to Develop Stronger Leaders

Change is a constant, especially when it comes to business. Companies and their leaders need to anticipate customer needs, focus on internal business changes, retain employees and grow the company at a rate that is acceptable by their management and shareholders. Navigating through all of this change isn’t easy for leaders today and it isn’t going away. The Current State This quote was shared from an article on, “increasingly, employers report that new hires lack the necessary skills for the job….
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