Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Can you overcome limiting beliefs? The short answer is yes…and it takes time to shift them. These beliefs are ingrained in our brains and may have been there since we were children. Here are some of the types of limiting beliefs that can exist for you: self-limiting beliefs, societal beliefs, and cultural beliefs. These long held beliefs are true for you in your brain and they impact how you see the world, make decisions, and see yourself.  What is a…
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Do You Have a Strong Personal Brand?

Are you paying attention to your personal brand? Some people may refer to a personal brand as your image. If you aren’t familiar with the term, here is a great definition from Laura Morgan Roberts in an article titled, Creating a Positive Professional Image. She was quoted to say, “Your professional image is the set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of your competence and character as judged by key constituents (i.e. clients, colleagues, superiors, subordinates).” You will see that at times, the…
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What Do You Do When You Feel Resistance?

Are you someone who sees change as a good thing? I think it depends on the experiences that you have had with change. If the change experiences that you had were good and brought you new opportunities, you would probably view them in a positive way. However, if the situations that you went through with change did not go well, then you might feel a lot of resistance and wish it wasn’t happening. What do you do when that resistance…
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What Story Are You Telling Yourself About Being an Introvert?

Are you labeling yourself without realizing it? On a recent podcast, I talked about being an introvert and how I embraced that label. Although it seemed like a good thing at the time, I may have leaned on that label a bit too much.  Assessments   I first learned about being an introvert when I took the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. My experience with this assessment was quite a few years ago, and at that time, I had no…
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What is Impostor Syndrome?

Are you familiar with the term impostor syndrome and what it means? Do you know how to recognize it in yourself or in others? The term impostor syndrome was first identified in 1978 by Dr. Pauline Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes, whose research determined that this challenge impacts overachieving women who try to fit in and be perfect. The high achieving women attributed their success to mistakes, luck, or because someone hadn’t yet figured out that they didn’t belong where…
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Have You Tried Slowing Down to Speed Up?

When someone first told me that I should “slow down to speed up,” I couldn’t even process what that would mean for me. There was too much to do and no time to get it all done! If I slowed down, then I would fall behind even further.   What I came to realize though, is that slowing down is what is needed to prepare for what is ahead. Taking the time to reflect, be strategic, plan, create new ideas or…
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Communicating with Impact

Have you ever shared a situation or story with someone and you can tell by their response, that they have no idea what you said because they weren’t listening to you? We have all experienced this at one time or another, but why does it happen? Did they not find the topic interesting, were they thinking about something else, or maybe they were distracted? Any of those may be true, but something else to be aware of is that when…
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Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities?

Are you letting opportunities pass you by? In every organization, there are processes that are inefficient, people who need training, frustrations about workload, and problems that need to be solved. These are just a few examples and there are many more that exist in a company.   How come no one is trying to solve them? The list of reasons usually sounds like this: lack of time, may not have the skills or expertise, don’t view it as part of their…
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It’s Time to Share Your Story!

What are the top experiences that you have had in your career? Think of some project or team that you were a part of that made a huge impact on you. That experience helped you gain knowledge, learn a lesson, grow as a leader, bond as a team, or perhaps you made the impossible, possible. So are you going to keep that all to yourself or are you going to share what you learned?  Every person that I work with…
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Do You Think Boundaries are Bad or Good?

Someone asked me, what are your thoughts about boundaries? Hmm…good question I thought. My initial reaction was that I know that they are a good thing now, but I used to have so much resistance to putting boundaries in place for myself. I didn’t think of them as bad necessarily, but I felt like others might judge me if I said no because they would be disappointed. I was a people pleaser who cared more about other people and their…
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