
Communicating with Impact

Have you ever shared a situation or story with someone and you can tell by their response, that they have no idea what you said because they weren’t listening to you? We have all experienced this at one time or another, but why does it happen? Did they not find the topic interesting, were they thinking about something else, or maybe they were distracted? Any of those may be true, but something else to be aware of is that when…
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Are You Taking Advantage of Opportunities?

Are you letting opportunities pass you by? In every organization, there are processes that are inefficient, people who need training, frustrations about workload, and problems that need to be solved. These are just a few examples and there are many more that exist in a company.   How come no one is trying to solve them? The list of reasons usually sounds like this: lack of time, may not have the skills or expertise, don’t view it as part of their…
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It’s Time to Share Your Story!

What are the top experiences that you have had in your career? Think of some project or team that you were a part of that made a huge impact on you. That experience helped you gain knowledge, learn a lesson, grow as a leader, bond as a team, or perhaps you made the impossible, possible. So are you going to keep that all to yourself or are you going to share what you learned?  Every person that I work with…
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Do You Think Boundaries are Bad or Good?

Someone asked me, what are your thoughts about boundaries? Hmm…good question I thought. My initial reaction was that I know that they are a good thing now, but I used to have so much resistance to putting boundaries in place for myself. I didn’t think of them as bad necessarily, but I felt like others might judge me if I said no because they would be disappointed. I was a people pleaser who cared more about other people and their…
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What If You Could Accomplish Multiple Goals at Once?

How do you accomplish your goals? Do you plan everything out or work with your team to do it? I know for me and my team, we would put together a plan for the goals. We would start by determining the outcome that we wanted for each goal, break the goal down into smaller milestones, determine resourcing needs, focus on making progress each month, and ultimately reach the goal. I know that sounds like it is so easy to do,…
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The Visibility Factor Book is One Year Old Today!

One year ago today I launched The Visibility Factor book out into the world! I thought you might like a peek behind the curtain at what that day was like for me! It was like giving birth to a child (without having to go to the hospital, the pain, having a crying infant, and the getting no sleep part) where everyone was excited that this “baby” called The Visibility Factor had been born! It was a celebration that included, phone…
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What Can Tough Situations Teach You?

How many times have you said or done something that you wished you could take back or change? I remember standing in front of a large audience at a conference and being so nervous. It was in the middle of the conference hall and not in a private room which is where all of my other speeches had been. There were no chairs for people to sit on. It was like speaking in the middle of the shopping mall and…
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The Five Things That Helped Me Grow as a Leader

Which leader in your life made a difference for you in your career? I can think of several throughout my career, although they may not have even known it. They didn’t see what they did or said as anything special. To them, they were just doing their job and what they thought was right for me.  If I had to narrow it down, I would say there were 5 key things that they did for me: Stretched me out of my…
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How Well Do You Know Your Team?

What does a leader who develops their people do, that other leaders don’t? I am sure that just like me, you could look back over your career, and see leaders that you enjoyed working for and some that you did not.  What were the differences between those two groups of people?  In my own experience, there were 4 things that made a difference: Did they actually take the time to connect with me? Did they care about my development? Did…
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When Is the Last Time You Asked for Help?

It’s okay to ask for help. This wasn’t something that I believed for many years. I saw it as a negative thing. I thought you had to do it all yourself and if you couldn’t then you were a failure. I know that this isn’t true now, but back when I was still learning about being a leader, it felt true. What I didn’t realize is that it is actually a sign of strength to ask for help, not a…
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